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  1. S

    drying help

    i dry mine this way, also have the inlet fan blowing into the box for airflow, works a treat. As said, keep the box closed and let in as little light as poss.
  2. S

    Made a big time mistake, please help.

    1 lost fan leaf isnt going to wreck the plant, leave it alone and try not to let it happen again!
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    Do I Really Need a Ballast?

    all hid needs a ballast. No exceptions.
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    White Widow Plants Sick?

    i think your overdoing the nutes for a start mate, and if you give too much of one thing, it can lock out something else. At week 3 you should stop using grow nutes and move on to the bloom, higher pk and less n. Nitrogen slows flowering, the plant will pull what it needs from its leaves, hence...
  5. S

    Searched for Question that I Couldn't Find

    I get what you are saying bro, so why not try a different route? Its warm enough to go outside now, so why not get some 60 day autos and grow outside?? What you save on buying street weed once they are done will most likely give you enough to save up for a good indoor grow. Alternatively grow...
  6. S

    Searched for Question that I Couldn't Find

    varies, anywhere from £20 to around 60 in local hydro. Dont bother with a 125w cfl, better off with a 250w, tiny difference in running cost and bulb cost. 250 bulbs are around £40, add in the price of a reflector and you might as well spend a bit more and get a 400w hid dual spec. Again local...
  7. S

    Inline fan -> HPS -> Carbon filter?

    i have a 5" filter high in my tent, which then ducts to the cool tube, from the other end of the cool tube is ducting which goes out the tent and to a 450m per hr extraction fan. I need a 280m per hr fan as an inlet but it works great, my temps have dropped from the high eighties to the low...
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    uk when to start

    Im germing one now, in a sheltered part of my garden ( in compost). If all goes well the rest will follow in a couple of weeks, if it dies, i wait a while longer. Still getting the odd early morn frost here.
  9. S


    As above. Not worth the bother
  10. S

    How much do you guys sell your homegrown for??

    I agree, and i dont know anyone that will pay over £10 a gram, and for that price i actually expect to be getting it dry and decent quality, or i dont buy, simples. Too many "dealers" nowadays out to rip us off.
  11. S

    3 posts in three threads all saying the same thing......... 20% discount without even asking for it? strange..
  12. S

    caregiver background checks?

    "1284 said that caregivers may be required to undergo background checks and fingerprinting (at some point). and that people w/ recent felonies (within 5 years) would not be eligible. is this correct?" Sorry , i thought this was the question. I know nothing about Medical Marijuana Caregivers...
  13. S

    caregiver background checks?

    checks are a legal requirement i believe. Its the employers decision as to what is acceptable conviction wise. In my experience drug offences, firearms, violence, sex offences are a definate no no. Minor offences, petty theft etc can be overlooked. I have a few convictions from years ago and it...
  14. S

    six, strains, which 3 should i grow together??

    Hi all, just about to start my 3rd grow. I have got 1 each of Black Widow, Northern Lights and Super Skunk. Freebies are il Diavlo Auto, Black Rose, Northern Light Blue, and White Widow x Big Bud. I have .76m x .76m x 1.8m, and im planning on the Diavlo auto with 3 of the others. Any advice on...
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    Equipment check :) So ClosE!! XDDDD

    Contactor/relay to plug into the timer - You cant safely use a 400w HID plugged directly into the timer.
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    WOW holy fucking BULLSHIT

    Good point , i hadnt thought of that, also taking the sales receipt as proof of recent purchase.
  17. S

    WOW holy fucking BULLSHIT

    Mate, just take the stand back - it wont be the TV thats wrong - more likely the wrong stand has been packed with it. In my exp yelling and kicking off makes them less likely to go out of thier way to help. If the TV was faulty then that model would be getting returned by everybody as they are...
  18. S

    Help on relays

    Thats the running consumption mate - the start up load is for a split second, much much higher, and thats what causes the problems with the timer contacts. Contactors arent very expensive, and i know of one unlucky fella whose timer burnt, started a fire, and destroyed half his house. Others...
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    I cant say how much they are if you are in USA mate, Here i paid £30 for one that can run 1 1000w light, or 2 400w to 600w. I wouldnt buy a cheap chinese one though, do a google search for HID contactors, and personally i would only buy new, and from a shop. You cant really put a price on safety...
  20. S

    Help on relays

    A contactor on 240V is essential mate. You will burn out your timer contacts without one , and there is a risk of the timer catching fire when that happens. My contactor was £30. The startup power of a HID is initially large, it jumps the gap between the contacts in the timer and fuses them...