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  1. S

    Trick or Treat: RIU Style!

    I'll be dressing as Alex DeLarge, from A Clockwork Orange. Won't be tripping on anything though. :p
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    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    Heh, it's just a supposed strain of weed. Guess I should've clarified.
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    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    I just read this whole thread and I have to say I'm jealous! Haha I've got an eighth of what I've been told was "green goddess." But that's about it. Um, I have some prozac and wellbutrin? :P
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    Look Pa ....I am Raving ...

    Think I'll have to start going to raves.
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    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    Found a guy that can get mollies, acid, and shrooms. 3 things I've been wanting to try. :) So, perhaps I will be enlightened next month. :p
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    Datura stramonium?
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    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    I rolled with this girl once and she started crying. Ever happen to any of you? Kinda killed it for me.
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    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    A buddy of mine plugged it once. Said he rolled harder than ever. Don't think I could bring myself to do that though.
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    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    Lucky you. <.< Haha have a good time!
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    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    At the time, there were no reports on it. But I wanted to roll so I said fuck it. Now I know better. ;]
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    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    Hope to try molly one day, just don't know where to get it. Nor know anyone that does. But ya the pills were indeed very hard.
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    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    Fleur-de-lis / Saint. The ones I took were like a goldenrod yellow, and this was back in June. I don't know if they're still going around.
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    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    As do I. The saints from earlier this year.. Felt terrible.
  14. S

    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    Better than swimming pools of pipes. ;]
  15. S

    mdma pills - The More Bitter, The Stronger?

    Pokeballs everywhere in CA, good clean press if you can get them. Took 2 in Venice on July 4th, haha fun night.. Never managed to get ahold of mollies though.