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  1. B

    Drying buds questions?!!

    Is that a fan from inside a computer??
  2. B

    Yeah!! Im not so sure if all the cold weather is so good for them lol :/ but there almost done...

    Yeah!! Im not so sure if all the cold weather is so good for them lol :/ but there almost done so im just waiting like another week
  3. B

    I dont know what I am doing :S

    Last 2 nights have been slightly warmer then 0 degrees :/
  4. B

    Frost damage and harvesting

    Yeah, last 2 nights have been a few degrees above 0..
  5. B

    Frost damage and harvesting

    Would it be better to harvest the plant before the frost even though its not fully done or would it be better to see if the temperature actually affects the plant?? What would happen if I harvested and the plant was a bit burned from the frost?? ANY help would be great.
  6. B

    I dont know what I am doing :S

    hahah yeah, there are like nasturtium flowers growing right next to it too, i guess its not a hard plant to grow
  7. B

    I dont know what I am doing :S

    Would it be better to harvest the plant before the frost even though its not fully done or would it be better to see if the temperature actually affects the plant?? What would happen if I harvested and the plant was a bit burned?
  8. B

    I dont know what I am doing :S

    Oh noooo, 2 degrees Celsius overnight tonight :/
  9. B

    I dont know what I am doing :S

    yeah, i planted them and sorta forgot about them lol Then a while ago i noticed a familiar looking plant growing haha :D
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    I dont know what I am doing :S

    Yesss.... nutrients hahaha seeing as how I didnt really care that much if the things sprouted all the plant has been in is normal earth with no added nutrients. I think I may have some kind of fertilizer in my shed though !
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    I dont know what I am doing :S

    Uhh what kind of temperatures will start to kill the plant?
  12. B

    I dont know what I am doing :S

    Its so hard to wait !! I want to harvest it now haha
  13. B

    I dont know what I am doing :S

    So basically my friend gave me some seeds a few months ago and told me to try them out.I wasn't serious about actually planting them but decided what the hell. After planting like 2 I sorta forgot about them over the summer, and now near the start of October the plant is huge !! I dont know how...
  14. B

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    This is my first post ever !! So how far along are my babies?? :)