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  1. kavebear

    Bubble cloning, how close do you want the top of the water?

    I have my cutting tips just in the water no cloning gel just tap water in the bubbler cloner i use under 6-23 watts cfl water about 78 degrees no hotter.
  2. kavebear


    I use the cheap walmrt air fizzer and they work good me just have clean after every hrvst.The air sticks i stay away from to fragile for me.tryed them before
  3. kavebear

    is co2 from a pellet gun cylinder good co2 or bad like wrong nitrous types?

    yes u can but it will get pricey.also viniger and baking soda in a bottle will work
  4. kavebear

    which airstone do you like best?

    Wal-mart air stones work great,I use them all the time in a 3 gallon buckets.Iam on shoe string budget so cheap walmart comes in handy.
  5. kavebear

    My first homemade DWC cloner

    I use a bubble cloner and i found out some times your water could be a little cold and that will slow down the rooting,Good job on the cuttings.