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  1. sandy1234

    PACQUAIO - MAYWEATHER - MAY 2nd 2015 ....Finally

    My prediction
  2. sandy1234


    Thanks all I think im gonna hold off until I speak with an attorney although I dont see me getting pulled over with both on me at the same time Id rather not lie to the feds and have it come back to bite me later in life
  3. sandy1234


    i am considering getting my ccw and a pistol with my income tax and was wondering if any of you have yours and if you have had any problems having the pistol and mmj card?? i read through the state site and very possibly over looked the section about firearms so i figured id ask around here
  4. sandy1234

    looking for good meds at decent prices

    should probably mention i live in wayne county outside of detroit
  5. sandy1234

    looking for good meds at decent prices

    my three weeks is up and no denial letter so i am good to go but i am currently looking for a place to get good meds at decent prices as it is going to take a few months to get my room set up and a (legal) harvest under my belt really not trying to pay $20+ a gram especially since i buy an oz or...
  6. sandy1234

    Black Girls

    lol ya man i ment no disrespect im high and it was funny
  7. sandy1234

    Black Girls

    lol there u go i like the way u think
  8. sandy1234

    [Paying] I need a step by step guide [SHROOMS]

    i was wondering about those kits about how much did u end up getting out of the first one
  9. sandy1234

    Black Girls

    then whyd u post this why dont u just go bang a black girl
  10. sandy1234

    Black Girls

    lol whyd you even post this
  11. sandy1234

    Plants getting too tall.

    im no expert but if your four weeks into flowering they shouldnt be getting any taller now just bud growth
  12. sandy1234


    thanks man i really appricate it... i have also taken care of clones that were not rooted i just didnt cut them myself...i did take the cuttings but i thinkg the first two maybe three i cut too short they are looking like death just kinda laying there... the other three im pretty sure are good...
  13. sandy1234

    Gaming Forum

    i also agree with mastermind that really is a good idea hopefully we can get something up like that soon
  14. sandy1234

    Gaming Forum

    thanks i was hoping someone would respond my gaming collection is pretty simple ive got xbox 360 and wii i play on a 40" samsung with a decent bose sound system
  15. sandy1234

    Hello about to take some cuttings tomorrow i have never done it personally but have taken care of them right after they were cut so i think i should be ok on thinking of taking 6 and flowering the two plants but i had a question for some of you more experienced should just keep...
  16. sandy1234

    Gaming Forum

    i know i cant be the only one on here that plays video games maybe make a seperate gaming forum?
  17. sandy1234


    thank you.... i did alittle rearranging and seem to have gotten the humidity to stay up around 50 today but the temp also went up to 82 but it doesnt seem to cause any stress on the plants...should i set up the reflector differently though? most of the pictures ive seen show one open end
  18. sandy1234


    also not exactly sure of the strains i got a couple free clones from a unreliable source and was told the one in the blue tub is kandy kush and the one in the black is true blue but who really knows
  19. sandy1234


    this is my fourth grow first one since last year im using a simple dwc system in 3 gallon tubs with ionic nutes i have a 400w hps light and euro reflector which i have never used before(and based on other pictures believe i have set up wrong) that is blowing out temps stay around 80f humidity is...