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  1. C

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    this looks ready to pick in 7-10 days
  2. C

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    still got two solid weeks, brah
  3. C

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    they look to be at 7 1/2 weeks
  4. C

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    you got 17-20 days to go. That K-Train is stunning.
  5. C

    Flowering,,,,,, When do you stop feeding Nitrogen?

    lookin good my man, lookin very good. what kind of plants are those, and where the hell are you from. you must be one of those guerrilla growers!!
  6. C

    Flowering,,,,,, When do you stop feeding Nitrogen?

    i did edit my comment, realized i was to medicated when i first wrote it. im lookin for pics right now.
  7. C

    Flowering,,,,,, When do you stop feeding Nitrogen?

    i never totally stop nitrogen nutes. it is important to have a good amount of nitrogen when the buds start to swell. i keep adding more and more nitrogen till around week 6 then i cut it down dramatically. the whole last week or so i dont any nitrogen.
  8. C

    First Time Indoors!!

    your plants look beautiful and well cared for. what strain/ strains are you growing?
  9. C

    Aluminum foil harms plants?

    dont listen to them. foil is ok to use but there are better things to use. i prefer the two sided black and white plastic.
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    Should I Start Trimming Fan Leaves and Foliage?

    in your situation it is ok to remove a leaf if it is dead or dying, or if it blocking light to a different bud.
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    New ghetto-rigged micro...Help and imput please

    maybe open a window and get some fresh air circulating through the room. your humidity is little high.
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    Male or Female. Plz help !

    It is a MALE for sure
  13. C

    Seeds Have Arrived

    i like the AK47. what company did you get them from?
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    Anyone know how to get the biggest yield from one plant???

    i would say screen of green (ScrOG) would be the best way to get the most out of one plant.
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    6 weeks of flowering and still no hairs or bud! HELP ME!!!

    you have a light leak for sure. do not go 10/14. stick to 12/12 the whole way through flower.
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    Vegan Organics Aka Veganics With Matt Rize

    great thread bro, just moved to vegan.
  17. C

    BioCANNA worth the $ this thread gave me some good insight, maybe you will get something out of it too.
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    'Droopy Leaves' - Normal?

    it looks to me that they might be getting a little too much water.
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    Is my clone ready for flower??? not sure if i should start 12/12

    you dont need to transplant it, and i wouldnt recommend adding soil because of the risk of root rot. a rule to keep in thumb is that once you induce the 12/12 light cycle the plant will at least double in size, and with some strains triple in size. make sure you take this into consideration...
  20. C

    How Many Oz Do U Think of Each Pic

    nice plants discodave. you take time caring for your plants and it shows. keep it up. on fattening up your buds man, try adding a high PK solution to your medium. another thing you might want to consider, and that i advocate sincerely, is adding molasses and or sugar. you can also buy highly...