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  1. Megamind

    NIKE Competition!

    no votes :( ?
  2. Megamind

    NIKE Competition!

    Guys. Your fellow toker here needs some support in votes. It's a competition in Egypt and I'm participating. The art already on the website sucks I think, the winning entries have nothing to do with Nike. :( <- That's my entry. If I win, my...
  3. Megamind

    1st Grow: Bag Seed

    This is my first grow. I'm growing 2 plants in 1 pot due to space restrictions and trying to keep a low profile. I have them under 240W (24/0) light and have been at it for about a month. I started out with a low actual wattage so they don't look a month old but they should be pretty soon :D...
  4. Megamind

    Are these leaves normal?

    Indeed! I was transplanting them at some point but looks I'll have to do it again seeing how many people recommend the 1 pot 1 plant concept.
  5. Megamind

    Are these leaves normal?

    Hey, I've been at it for a few weeks now. Indoor growing with CFL but wanted to know if the leaves look normal. I am on a 24/0 currently. Anyways, if it's a deficiency, what could be missing? Thanks! :-P
  6. Megamind

    2 Plants, 1 Pot

    Would they give me as much yield? Someone just said they wouldn't give as much.
  7. Megamind

    2 Plants, 1 Pot

    :D I needed a quick reply so I had to make it look familiar lol
  8. Megamind

    2 Plants, 1 Pot

    I've been reading immensely about growing in the past month and have found this forum to be a pretty good source of feedback, so I thank you for your time to reply to this thread, if you do :) I recently started growing in my closet, simple but I would say, efficient set up. I had to grow 2...
  9. Megamind

    Welcome New Members!

    What's good homies? May I introduce myself as the Megamind; supreme graphic designer and failing farmer lol. Tight forums.