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  1. whoseanb

    First Enlightning Experience on 2c-e

    Well, if anyone remembers, close to a year ago I tried my first psychedelic in 2c-e. I left a long trip report about how excited I was but the next 3 trips were very, very dull. It was fun seeing all the colors and watching items shrink and grow. But, that got very old after 30 minutes. After...
  2. whoseanb

    Ok Y'all, Finally took some 2c-e last night!

    Lol, I was repeatedly telling myself last night, "5 more mg and I'd be fucking lost in a sea of visuals!" I think that'd be way too intense for me man. Keep in mind, I've never done shrooms, acid, or any other kind of pyschedelic so that's probably why I had such strong affects on such a low...
  3. whoseanb

    Ok Y'all, Finally took some 2c-e last night!

    I just don't know. He doesn't react well to many drugs except weed. Me and him used to be on mdma a lot but he just fucking hated the next day crashed out feel. (SO DO I!) Plus, he ended up taking a bad transformer one night and ended up having psychotic thoughts so that was the last of the x...
  4. whoseanb

    Ok Y'all, Finally took some 2c-e last night!

    Just woke up around 3 pm. after falling asleep at about 9a.m. I took the 10-11 mg dose at around 1230 a.m. My biggest fear before coming into this was pretty much all these damn stories I read on forums about the compound(Sometimes reading the stories will aid in giving you a bad feeling while...
  5. whoseanb

    Is 2c-e Illegal In The U.S. of A.

    Lol, you can say that again. Ive just ordered my scale this past fri. Should be in sometime this week and by the weekend I'll be ready to give it a go. I actually just purchased 100 mg of 2c-i and since I hear it's a more tamer version of 2c-e I'm going to push my 2c-e to the side until I try...
  6. whoseanb

    Is 2c-e Illegal In The U.S. of A.

    Yo Ndanger, is the American Weigh Signature Series Black for 16.35 good for weighing this chems?
  7. whoseanb

    Is 2c-e Illegal In The U.S. of A.

    Haha, you guys are wild man. I know it's annoying seeing new people just pop and and say "hey, where can I get some drugs!" Like mentioned earlier, if you search "buy 2c-e" or something along those lines this place pops up. I don't smoke weed whatsoever. That's the only reason I found this...
  8. whoseanb

    Is 2c-e Illegal In The U.S. of A.

    Well, I finally got my hands on some 2c-e so I WILL MOST DEF. leave a trip report! I've been anticipating this shit for months and it's pretty obvious from my posts. Probably won't ingest until Fri. or a later date. Anyone recommend the cheapest scale I can buy online that works good for...
  9. whoseanb

    what was this i felt!

    i feel like I keep asking this question but never find the answer. Is one 4floz bottle good enough for a 1st timer to trip? And how strong will the trip be? How much Dxm is in that bottler anyway?
  10. whoseanb

    2500mg of dxm

    Just picked up some whippets today. Been about 3 years since I tried some. Was in wal-mart today, walked past them and said " It's been a long time, I shouldn't of left you..." Seriously, I just found out last week by some dude on bluelight that nitrous oxcid is what they use for "laughing...
  11. whoseanb

    First shroom experience

    Glad you had a good first time experience! Today me and a friend were planing on going shroom hunting after work. But just my luck, they were all old and bad looking. (It hasn't rained in 2 days) Shit, I didn't think they would go bad so fucking quick. THey wheather here in fla fucking sucks! It...
  12. whoseanb

    Need Help with Dxm For Girls

    For those who have robotripped, is it really worth it? I'm not going to lie, I'll feel like a fucking loose case sitting up in my living room chugging a bottle of cough syrup. Lol. Will I get a real decent trip like I would off shrooms? Because I'm planning on going shroom hunting wit my...
  13. whoseanb

    Just Took a White Pokeball

    Another thing that sucks is having to take all these OTHER pills just to keep from feeling like fucking shit! I wish there was something that you could take, feel good, and just fucking chill the next day. I'm fiending for some psycs real bad but I wonder...If the crash off MDMA is like this...
  14. whoseanb

    Just Took a White Pokeball

    Lol, that's what I'm talking about. This is exactly why my lil' bro stopped fucking with MDMA. Yea, when you're rolling you're the happiest mother fucker on the planet. The next day... You're lucky to have motivation to brush your fucking teeth. I hate it. It's not just me. Me, my girl, and...
  15. whoseanb

    Need Help with Dxm For Girls

    I have a bottle of 4 fl oz. of robitussin. Alcohol-free. But the main ingredients include Guaifenesin (100 mg) And Phenylephrine (5 mg). I'm 5'9 and 150 pds. Can I get a good trip off this? Plus, I've never tripped before. I've heard I'm better off just finding a tobitussin that contain only...
  16. whoseanb

    Failed to get 2CE...fuck me

    See, this is what is scaring me from purchasing from a vendor online. If I lost $140 I'd be fucking hot! It's a risky game playa, a risky game. Either way, if I had the money to lose I'd take that risk.
  17. whoseanb

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    You can't get pm'd when your a newbie like me. Believe me, I know. We just have to suffer I guess lol..... ...Or we could just troll to get enough posts?
  18. whoseanb

    Ok, we'll see how far I make it without being a post whore lol.

    Ok, we'll see how far I make it without being a post whore lol.
  19. whoseanb

    Just Took a White Pokeball

    I'd like to know how the crash is the next day. Those fucking suck.