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  1. CapDaddy420

    new outdoor organic grow.

    just lettin shit happen.. you can follow to see how it turns out. and yes i know... 2 in 1 pot??? wtf is wrong with you!!! blah blah blah fucking blah.. not interested.. these were bag seed.. and tossed em in a pot with some organic foxfarm ocean forest. and i shall see how they turn out...
  2. CapDaddy420

    New Logo For Rollitup. Org

    i thought it was cannabis not marijuana ?... keep it educated
  3. CapDaddy420

    marijuana lisence

    state would be helpful.. here in cali it doesn't take longer than 30 minutes on a good day. walk in , fill out forms.. see doc. .. sign license , pay the man. and bam on your way to the shop.
  4. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    exactly, thank you for your common sense
  5. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    play growing? wtf is wrong with you people.. was it play growing when they came up with the 12/12 cycle? no.. instead you haters just hopped on their dick.. its ok capdaddy won't hurt you.. you can slide on nice and slow. my point is.. you guys sound like hypocrites.. everything im doing has...
  6. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    yea, durin flushing i noticed i had alil mite problem. took care of it tho with neem oil. and p.s. all your so called "experienced" growers put money into their grows.. this grow didn't exceed $30 booya
  7. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    umm ?? the sched. is 13/on 17/off... i don't know what your talking about. no such thing as "time" just to let you know. it was created by humans to keep from freakin out because we for some reason just cant live life.. we have to for some reason know . know what day it is. know what year it...
  8. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    couldn't say it any better myself.. thanks homie.. cali-luv
  9. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    thank you ... finally some logic.. like i said... I NEVER ASKED ANY QUESTION.. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENT OF "MINE" and THE POST WAS MEANT FOR PEOPLE WHO WERE INTERESTED WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU WERE SWITCH UP A LIGHT SCHEDULE FOR BLUE DREAM. the rest of you need to get a life and accept that it...
  10. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    omg no fuckin life....... well there's my grow guys... peace.
  11. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    dude .. your weird.. you must not have read the entire post. fail
  12. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    literally thee dumbest thing i have ever heard. if these retarded words of yours were true . there would be no such thing as evolution. fucking stupid.
  13. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    haha they shat on themselves... i just did this post for anyone who was interested . never asked 1 opinion. funny huh.
  14. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    lmao dang i still remember that.
  15. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    everything turned out bomb!... next grow i will have a control for all these bored no life nit pickin 12/12 supporters ... same strain, same mother plant. i will set one to this sched. which is 13/17 and the other will flower in 12/12 .. we will see then for sure .. well at least with one...
  16. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    any walmart. its called an alarm clock.
  17. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    never said that? wut the.. lol i just like to have my own way instead of following thousands of years of evolution.. not saying its goin to change anything outside my capdaddy island .
  18. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    i like to personalize anything i own.... it wouldn't be personal if i did everything everyone else did. and nature? clouds on random days... some days longer than others. all types of weather shit and mother natures creatures... and your telling me some how a 13/17 light sched. is throwing...
  19. CapDaddy420

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    blah blah blah