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  1. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    thats only on the side, my main light source is a 400w metal halide and yes ive began adding nutrients and its been doin better =)
  2. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    someone comment on this please.
  3. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    this is about 6weeks into flower.. hows it looking? im surprised at how much better it got. i removed the diffuser from the 400w metal halide fixture yesterday so I should be getting even more light now. im supposed to let it flower for about 12 weeks right? do u guys think it will get a lot...
  4. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    thanks for the feedback guys i sure hope she does fill out, ill be fine with w/e i get though. i cant get over how good she smells though. i started her off from a reggies bag seed, so im actually really surprised on how the quality of the bud turned out. it really stinks like some high quality...
  5. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    some updates, i added some of the miracle grow I had and i guess it helped a bit, i'm not sure. I also started to notice resin on the leaves. and I think I have a problem with spider mytes or some sort of insect. I caught two little insects chillin on the botton of on of the stems and I flicked...
  6. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    thanks for all that info scar! you really helped me out! well thats all I needed to know for now, and I will be updating this every couple days and I would appreciate if youd check back every once in a while in the next few weeks to let me know how im doing! thanks again!
  7. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    yeah i had 4 sets of leaves turn yellow, the very bottom ones. they eventually dried up so i ripped them out. and the soil was actually from the ground by my house, also mixed with some of the dirt in the pond. it worked out pretty well because the 3$ soil i bought from ace hardware didn't even...
  8. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    hey man i appreciate the advice you gave! and those looks like some awesome plants!! i don't think I can get better light, thats all I have i think its a 500w .... uhm I forgot what kind, I will check tomorrow since its on its off period atm. but yeah that big lamp in there and i added the cfl...
  9. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    thanks a lot guys!! a lot of helpful info here! im going to give the miracle grow a try for this grow, next grow ill get somethin better but for now mg will have to do. I put it in today, when should I expect results?
  10. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    sweet, thanks for the replies guys now one more question, which miracle grow should I use cause I have the food spikes kind, (the one that u stick in the soil) and i have some kind that your supposed to mix in with water and it disolves and turns the water bluish and then you water the plant...
  11. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    thanks kind, but do u think you can send me a link of something cheap? ill see if I can order online idk if I will be able to but ill try so yeah if you could send me a link that would be nice =)
  12. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    all i have in the house is miracle grow, and it says to mix it with water and then water the plants with the mixed water can I use that? oh i also have miracle grow food spikes..
  13. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    well the problem is that i cant find any fertizlier anywhere! i checked at home depot and ace hardware and all they had was miracle grow =( do you guys know what store would have a cheap good fertilizer? Maybe wallmart? oh and if I do find some fertilizer, would it still be ok to add it in after...
  14. S

    Smallest yield ever?

    Hey everyone I started this grow on oct. 22 so it's almost been 2 months. I switched it to 12/12 light about 4 weeks ago and it started flowering but it's flowering very slowly. This is how it looks about 4 weeks into flower. Yeahh... I looks like im not even going to manage a gram from...
  15. S

    Plant not doing so well...

    Hey everyone I started this grow on oct. 22 so it's almost been 2 months. I switched it to 12/12 light about 4 weeks ago and it started flowering but it's flowering very slowly. This is how it looks about 4 weeks into flower. Yeahh... I looks like im not even going to manage a gram from this...
  16. S

    How am I doing so far?

    Ok got you dark, thanks for the advice. =)
  17. S

    Switching Light from 12/12 to 18/6 for LST.

    The closest store here with any kind of plant material is probably ace hardware... Can someone go to their website and pick out a cheap but good nutes for flowering? I'd really appreciate it...
  18. S

    How am I doing so far?

    Should I just bend it over a little bit, just enough for light to penetrate the middles leaves?
  19. S

    Switching Light from 12/12 to 18/6 for LST.

    You know what, I think I'll just leave it as is. It's my 1st grow, I'll be happy with what ever I'll get. How much grams do you think I would be able to get? I know it won't be much but can you give me a guesstimate based on the pictures?
  20. S

    Switching Light from 12/12 to 18/6 for LST.

    thanks for the info shark, it is my first grow anyways so I guess just getting any bud from it would be a success. I actually went into this grow not knowing much, but I've learned ALOT from it and from everyone on this forum that gave me tips and advice. So I guess I did get something out of it...