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  1. A

    Does a clone retain the gender of its mother?

    Hey everyone, I just topped my plant and just dipped the cutting in rooting hormone to grow it as a clone. If I immediately put the clone into flowering and it turns out to be a female does that mean that the topped plant will also be a female? Thanks in advance.
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How much longer until this one is ready to chop?
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    Well it looks like one of my lights slipped and charred part of the plant. I'm not too concerned about it though seeing that the damage is only to one spot. Should I clip that part off or just let it be? On the bright side, the hairs on the main cola are starting to turn orange. I have decided...
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    12/12 Day: 42 What is the bear minimum time I should leave myself to dry the bud and have it safe for me to leave in a sealed jar all summer? I was thinking of (unfortunately) chopping it down in 5 days leaving me almost 2 weeks to dry.
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    I would like to make a note that this plant does not smell whatsoever! I know that I bought blue mystic because it is low odor but this plant barely stinks at all. I currently do not have any ventilation other than passive air and can't smell anything until I put my nose up to it. I really hope...
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    12/12 Day: 37
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    haha thanks discord. i swear...i will never stop finding new uses for it. its magical.
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    12/12 Day: 32
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    12/12 Day: 30 The plant is looking great. It seems to be wilting less in between watering ever since I started the nutes.
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    yeah, i hope so :) after looking at other peoples grows I am really surprised at how incredibly compact this is, especially compared to my first grow. I can't even see the main stalk
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    12/12 Day: 24 Doh! I just realized that I was using teaspoons instead of tablespoons for one of the nutes. Anyhow, I increased the concentration of the nutes and everything is still looking good.
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    12/12 Day: 21 I used all three of the nutes a couple days ago at 1/8th strength and the plant seems to be loving it.
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    Thanks for the tip. I should have picked one up today when I was at the grow shop :/ What strain is that? Your leaves look so broad compared to mine. I got FF big bloom and tiger bloom. The lady at the store also gave me Humboldt County's Own Snow Storm Ultra for free. I am going to start nutes...
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    12/12 Day: 9
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    The plant is looking pretty happy. I have been flowering for ten days now and I have a confirmed female :-P Day 33:
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    I figure that I kind of have to flower now because I move out of my house at the end of april. I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I am currently having no problems and my plant is happy. I just had a slight bump where my first two leaves died off because of a lack of nutrients I don't have a pH...
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    I am going to switch the two 6500K lights to two 23-watt 2700K CFLs and start 12/12 tomorrow. I also did a little bit more LST just now. Any idea what kind of yield I can expect from just one plant this small? An ounce? Day 23:
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    I decided to add two 2700K 42-watt CFLs Day 22:
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    I feel like my plant has gotten big enough to start some LST. My container is kind of flimsy and I didn't have and twine so I used a filmmaker's best friend, gaffer's tape. I folded the tape over itself then stuck it on the sides of my container. Day 21:
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    cardboard box blue mystic CFL grow

    I think I'm just going to keep feeding it water for the time being. The plant is looking nice and perky now. I currently have two 6500K 42-watt CFLs in my grow box. I also have two 2700K 42-watt CFLs I could throw in there. Would that be too much light? Day 18: