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    Genius or Ingenius?

    Never mind. Answered my own question. It is NOT genius!
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    lol yeah you definitely had found a goldmine! But thanks for all the advice given from everyone.
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    Thank you! Solid numbers, now I know the ballpark and won't be about to get jumped for pitching ridiculous prices. But Dirtfree, nice way to put it. I appreciate when cats keep it real, cause that's what I need to know. The real deal, and all of ya'll have kept it real. Makes me very glad I...
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    lol well you can assume, because you didn't make an ass of "u or me", you are exactly right. The very reason I cannot grow or move as freely as I would like.
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    tip top, yeah I see where you coming from with that, so hopefully I can find someone that just grows the shit and can give me excellent deals on it. I'll definitely be cautious with my moves, though and not cause beefs and shit. I try to avoid that at all costs, but sometimes it just goes down...
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    Ironically, I own that movie, which has now been fucking LOST, thanks to me moving! lol, but I watched it once, but not enough to say I really know how it went, cause I watched it with a girl, natural distraction. But I did love the movie, so I'ma re-purchase it. And exactly! I know that...
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    superbak3d, I haven't even purchased it yet, those numbers are just roughdraft digits, nothing locked yet. I may get it much cheaper than I'm anticipating which will definitely make me readjust my pricing. I can already tell my shit will go for $20-$25 now. Glad I asked you guys first, before a...
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I know now that when I buy it, they can't be charging any ridiculous shit. I'm thinking I have to spend $450 to $500 a zone for shit like this, which is why I shot the price up, or will it cost about that? I'm still learning how to gauge the pricing from low...
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    mrboots, they may not, it's all a give and pull type thing. I'm just trying to test the waters to see if they'll go for it. If not, I'll drop the price, for sure. Depends on how much I get it for, too. But I had a feeling White Widow would be popular from the research I did on it. Sounds like...
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    The Best! Absolute Best!

    What is the absolute best kind you can get? I'm not a grower, I'm looking to buy and re-sell. I recently copped a zone for $100 and the shit was garbage, basically got jerked, because I sold it back to a homie of mine for $70, so I said fuck it, I'ma save up $450 to $500+ and just go in on some...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Yo, I'm new to the site, just joined today. I joined to get my knowledge up on this stuff. Trying to learn the ins and outs and what not, so I'll definitely have questions.