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  1. smokeylee


    Almost the opposite for me my indica did very well when it was topped. My sativa didnt do as well. I comes down to genetics I would assume. Some will always do better than others.
  2. smokeylee

    not compact buds... did i harvest wrong?

    might not have been enough light
  3. smokeylee

    Banjo Music: Any recomendedtions

    bluegrass is your best bet
  4. smokeylee

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    this guy is beyond that. I don't think his brain is capable of learning I'm surprised he has the ability to type in complete sentence:peace:.
  5. smokeylee

    how big of a pot do i need?

    how big is the bucket?
  6. smokeylee

    Topping Yes Or No???

    I have had much success topping indica strains, they seem to do better and it works out like it is supposed to, adding to yield and what not. When ever I top a sativa it splits but it really doesn't add to yield all that much. I may not be fully correct but it seems to be a common trait with my...
  7. smokeylee

    how big of a pot do i need?

    depends on how big you want them to get. I usually go with a gallon per foot of growth. So If I wanted a 3 foot plant I would use a 3 gallon pot
  8. smokeylee

    Is this male?

    yup :cry: sorry for the misfortune
  9. smokeylee

    Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America

    not me personally, but the store in my area had rejected the vets and family members wanting to set up a stand by their store for a donation drive to send troops supplies and what not.http:// though this may not be a corporate thing it...
  10. smokeylee

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    or you can just say this is who gp420 is :spew:
  11. smokeylee

    Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America

    yea wal-mart isn't the best. They ripped of their employee's of overtime money and other such things but to tell people to shop at target is far worst.Target is evil. Target once said that it supported gay rights, and would not support the war on terrorism or anyone involved in it menaing the...
  12. smokeylee

    Adopted parent

    over watering is possible what kind of soil are you using and you should have the cfl's at least 2 inches away from the plant along with a fan to strength the stems up.
  13. smokeylee

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    I crying right now. I really hope you are not serious
  14. smokeylee

    anyone can help please

    now thats not very supportive lol
  15. smokeylee

    Temperature 80.6 degrees F, even with fan :(

    you can start LST'n the plant
  16. smokeylee

    Adopted parent

    get her better now and wait on the transplant. no need to put more stress on her.
  17. smokeylee

    Temperature 80.6 degrees F, even with fan :(

    it's fine just don't let it get up to 85 or higher if you can try adding another fan 75-78 is optimal temps
  18. smokeylee

    Best Band to listen to while high?

    I tend to enjoy very complicated music and well structured music. Tool, Dream Theater, Liquid Tension experiment, Opeth. Music along those lines are enjoyable and close to my stoned heart.
  19. smokeylee

    wat is california orange?

    from a friend. all he wanted in return was a slice for em once they are grown
  20. smokeylee

    wat is california orange?

    I have 6 cali orange beans that I'm sitting on right now. All I can tell you is what I read, It is A stabilized hybrid, inbred since 1996. It is extremely resinous, including the leaves. The plant produces heavy long colas of delicious orange bud with a powerful citrus aroma and orange spice...