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  1. D

    question, help needed for NFT/Aero build

    thank you i'm gunna take the advice about my local hydro shop. though now at the same time im starting to believe that they just don't make 4" net pots. i've looked online first, and now my sunlight supply catalog, notta.. therefore my question is, what size drill bit would i need for either...
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    question, help needed for NFT/Aero build

    Hi, I am using 5x5" PVC and designed it for the 4 inch net baskets, yet i've noticed that every hydroponics store seems to not stock them... only sizes i've seen have been: the 5" net baskets, and 3.75" net baskets. my question is where i could find 4 inch net baskets, as well as what...
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    need help diagnosing this Masterkush, 7 weeks into flower.

    thank you very much! is there any remedies you recomend before i end up in home depot again?
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    need help diagnosing this Masterkush, 7 weeks into flower.

    Problems seemed to be isolated to one of the plants, but now 2 of my younger ones are getting brown tips on flower leaves, and leaves are yellowing and dying over night. big problems. I think it's bugs. I fed using 2 gallons of water, with a hefty table spoon of mollasses mixed into one of the...
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    problems continue 7 weeks into flowering MasterKush, please take a look.

    All i can say is that the this problem was mostly with MK1 until this morning when 5 more leaves started to fall off MK2 just today. I only used 2 gallons of a water with about 1 hefty table spoon of blackstrap mixed in to on of the gallon containers. At 7 Weeks can anyone help me do something...
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    im having difficulty diagnosing this problem with leaf color w/2 masterkush

    to me they seemed over fed with the burning and all. I used a mixture of potting soil and Organic garden soil. and the mollasses i use contains 25% magnesium, so if anything it was overload. I guess i just answered my own question then.
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    im having difficulty diagnosing this problem with leaf color w/2 masterkush

    2 masterkush's, the health never seemed effected by the leaf colors. some leafs were also burned on the tips in wierd places. used soil, pure water, and blackstrap mollasses.
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    legit 2ci vendor

    what vender for the 4-aco-dmt? my old one just shut down.
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    1) i had plants in 2-2.5 gallon containers right now, will my yeild be shit if i dont put them in 5 gallon? 2) would i be able to use a green cfl to access my grow room while my plants are in a dark period without stress?
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    transplant or no?

    right now my plants are in 2-2.5 gallon buckets, will that be alright or will my yeild be significantly reduced if i don't transplant into 5 gallon buckets?
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    Question about Green lights....

    When i start to flower I'm gunna need to access my closet at times in the mornings, would i be able to install a green light that i can turn on without stressing my girls out??? thanks, peace.