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  1. H

    Recomendations/strains/coastal North Ca.

    I'm thinking of clones. I guess feminized seeds are an option.
  2. H

    Recomendations/strains/coastal North Ca.

    I'm right on the coast north of San Francisco. Plenty of summer fog and generally cool. Last year grew Casey Jones, Blue Dream, Trainwreck and UKCheese. CJ grew the largest at 8' , BD next, UKC at 5', TR 3'; all under plastic. The buds were pretty puny compared to my competition further north...
  3. H

    Getting Started

    I'm an out door grower on the coast of NCa (too foggy) Can any one recommend a couple of books (?) with all the basic information in one place for understanding and starting an indoor system?
  4. H

    Drying/Curing Question

    I've got a mix of mostly dryed buds with a few half dryed. Should I go through all the buds and separate out the few half dried? Right now they are mixed together in the same jar. Will they equalize ok?
  5. H

    Key Tips for curing your nugs!!

    Keep the curing jars away from just sunlight or all light? Any difference between incandescent vs florescent?
  6. H

    Key Tips for curing your nugs!!

    Keep the curing jars away from just sunlight or all light? Any difference between incandescent vs florescent?
  7. H

    Preparing Cola Questions

    Should I keep these colas in tact and use turkey bags to cure, or cut off the buds and can'em. And do I a final trim leaving only the bud before or after the cure?
  8. H


    It there a "weed exchange" for local bulk pricing in NCa?
  9. H

    Rains a Coming Chop or Hang On?

    Casey Jones: The pics show ready on the west, but lots of white hairs on the east sort of in between on the south. I'm thinking harvest only the colas that are definitely ready and watch out for rot/mold during this wet front.
  10. H

    Drying Temperature

    I live on the nca coast so its pretty humid. Then of course we're getting drizles right now. I was thinking keeping the room at 65 but a friend with a lot more experience says that's way too hot. How do I determine the temp. for a nice slow dry without a mold issue.
  11. H

    bud rot

    Color is dark brown, dry and crusty.
  12. H

    bud rot

    No worms so far. I'm wondering if the rot will stop with drying vs staying up and outside. Right now I'm cutting down buds with any rot , hanging and removing after drying a little , trying to remove rot while wet is a gooey sticky mess. Also going over un harvested plants and cutting out...
  13. H

    bud rot

    Right! I'm cutting out all the contaminated moldy bits. So I hope clean-up buds will be usable for smoke. Some buds are impossible to completely clean up. I'm wondering if they could be used for anything. For instance some sort of topical.
  14. H

    bud rot

    Cool and foggy/rain ( on the N.Ca. coast) then this hot weather. Suddenly bud rot in my blue dream and uk cheese even though they were covered. I'm cutting it out of the colas as i harvest as fast as i can. Wondering if there is a safe use for the cleaned-up buds. Maybe an infusion made...
  15. H

    New White Hairs After Flush

    I've 2 UKCheese definitely ready to harvest, all the hairs are amber and receded, trichomes are beginning to amber, maybe up to 50%. I watered the whole garden and suddenly I've got new white hairs where there were none before??? Should I delay the harvest on these plants or go ahead? The pics...
  16. H

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    The photos are of the plant with the most amber trichomes. As you say done. The other plant looks over all the same but the trichomes are mostly opalescent to cloudy , very few amber. From what I read here a more heady high or should I wait until I have more amber?
  17. H

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    #1 hopakca View Profile View Forum Posts View Journal Entries View Articles Stranger Stranger Join DateSep 2010Posts1...
  18. H

    Ready or Not?

    I've got 2 ukcheeze. The first photos are from the one I think is ready now. The trichomes are opalescent to cloudy with about 50% turning amber; the second plant the trichomes are clear to opalescent with a few beginning to turn amberish. Both plants still have white hairs even though most...