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  1. onlytheone


    UPDATE TO POST #197 They re-sent the original order for no charge and added super stealth. The very next day, my original order arrived! (2 months later!) In the meantime, I placed an order with seedsman. It got here in 7 days! Great packaging too! Highly recommend seedsman! Nothing wrong with...
  2. onlytheone


    Here's my experience. I placed a $50 order to test it out in Feb. (with tracking option). No problems. Came 10 days after confirmation email. I was happy. Second order of about $100 placed April 19th. (without tracking/guarantee option.) Package never showed up. I just emailed and asked if they...
  3. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Good to see you man. Hope all is well.
  4. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    I'd already have a six ft. deep hole dug for him. Take him to it. Make him get in. Tell him this is where he will spend the rest of his days for eternity. Then tell him to get lost. Forever. Also tell him if he ever comes around agian you'll kill him. For real.
  5. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    And, don't think they won't try to steal your dried and cured shit. They are probably still planning to. Get them out of the picture.
  6. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Yep, if it were me, that bitch and that dude, would both be in intensive care right now hanging on to life.(barely)
  7. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Sorry to hear about your friend going bad. If he needs a lesson taught to him, I know people. I would look like an accident. Gimme a shout if you need to.
  8. onlytheone

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Awesome thread! I'll share if'n ya don't mind. This girl is doing good! Just starting to swell like crazy. Some kind of old Nothern Lights hybrid. The last pic is my deck plant. She got eaten by a rat when she was 2 feet tall and turned into a "mainline" experiment.
  9. onlytheone

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Here is an update to post #4405 and #4423: The rat damage survivor. Here she is now. This is how she looked after getting munched on by a barn rat. I saw the rat get carried off by an owl one evening not too long ago. Stupid rat.
  10. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Man, those babes are swelling up nicely! Are you really worried about rippers there? Seems like you're out in the boonies. BTW. Here's a pic from today from my garden. LOVE this time of year!!!
  11. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Here's one of my ladies from just across the river from you. Front view: A little closer: Even closer still: And, more zoomage: Your plants are looking epic dude! Hope you get that wilt straightened out. I just lost a plant due to root worms. Bummed about that one.
  12. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Check out this band. After a few lungfulls. It'll grow in you, I guarantee it. The louder the better.
  13. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Bitches be gettin fat!!!
  14. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    I wouldn't use that either. This stuff works good, non toxic, didn't affect the taste of the buds. (I stopped using it 3 weeks before harvest and sprayed off the plants with clean water a few times the week before harvest) It also sould control any fungus issues as a bonus...
  15. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    I had them the first year I tried growing. They ruined half my harvest before I got them under control. I learned my lesson. Now, I lighty mist them occasionally after they start flowering. Especially after rains. I haven't had a problem since. I also discontinue the applications about three...
  16. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Any ideas on what is doing this to the leaves??? Hate to say it, but it looks like the beginning of mites. Those bastards will get into your buds, take thier shits, and boom, you got bud rot. Neem or pyrethrin spray will take care of it, but it's not cheap. And, you'll have to do it a couple...
  17. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Shit dude. You're lookin like a master grower! It rained so much here today, I think my outdoor grow is now hydroponic!
  18. onlytheone

    What's eating me?

    Yeah, it's for sure not spider mites. I had those a few years ago and lost 1/2 the harvest to those little fuckers. I've inspected very close for worms and caterpillars and haven't found any. Possibly moths? Or some kind of fungus. I sprayed her down with some organic pest/fungus stuff. We'll...
  19. onlytheone

    Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)

    Sorry. I still haven't quite figured out this whole thread/board thing. I was just pointing out you made that post at 4:20! LOL Plants are looking awesome man! I know you're overflowing with anticipation. It's like watching a pot waiting for it to boil. Seems to take forever!!! Did you get your...