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    Homemade insecticide SCREWED my plants! HELP PLEASE!

    i heard to mix and then strain chewing tobacco with water to make a "tobacco tea", and spray that on the plant to kill caterpillars. Has anybody done this? and Will this work?
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    Cigarette butts?

    Does this work good on caterpillars????? and is it safe to use on my buds which are 3-4 weeks into flowering
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    Need a home made organic insecticide spray recipe

    Finnaly ive been asking all over this site for that tobbaco tea answer! thanks! Does this method work good on caterpillars? they have been eating my leaves like crazy!
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    Tobacco Tea Killing Caterpillars!!!!!!!

    i heard to mix and then strain chewing tobacco with water to make a "tobacco tea", and spray that on the plant to kill caterpillars. Has anybody done this? and Will this work?
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    how much longer to wait till harvest?

    Has anybody grown Silver Haze?
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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    heard to mix and then strain chewing tobacco with water to make a "tobacco tea", and spray that on the plant to kill caterpillars. Has anybody done this? and Will this work?
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    should i stop using miracle grow soon

    what type miracle grow are you using??????????
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    Bugs Eating my Pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this method is also known to be biodegradable, but can i spray on the whole plant? because its 3-4 weeks in flowering
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    Bugs Eating my Pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I heard to mix and then strain chewing tobacco with water to make a "tobacco tea", and spray that on the plant to kill caterpillars. Has anybody done this? and Will this work? any feedback would be much appreciated!!!!!:hump: