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  1. N

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    I had this same problem due to early/over fertilization and having the lights to close... Made them look like sea shells... Just let it go and make sure your not over watering or over powering with light. :)
  2. N

    hermie 6 weeks flowering.

    Better safe then sorry. Take it out of the room and put it someplace else to finish it if your comfortable with that.... I personally would toss it.
  3. N

    Heavy rain on my 1nch plants!

    Yes the light will penetrate the bottle no problem. Just use that as a temporary solution as you dont want the plants growing into the sides for long... promotes mold and other fungal problems. I would say he probably meant to have the cap end up with the cap on. Punch some holes i nthe sides to...
  4. N

    Holes appearing on leaves what bug is this? PICS! REP4RESPONSE

    I have battled both before in the past.... Actual indoors though.. Was a caterpillar eating the hell out of my plants. Little green one. It was amazing the amount of damage just the one did. Defedently look really hard and long as they blend REALLY well to the stalks.
  5. N

    Need Lighting and Growing Help....

    Question 1: I have 2 400 watt grow lights and need to know how many ballast and wattage I need to run 2 400 watt lights. Answer: Your needs are dependent on what you already have. Each setup requires a ballast, plug wire with mongul(light socket for special lights), bulbs, and typically a...
  6. N

    Portable A/C ?

    The major difference between the $500 AC unit and the second unit is that the $500 one pulls air from within the house across the cooling coils and dumps the hot air outside. The more expensive one will be much more efficient as it intakes from outside and dumps to outside (no smell transfer)...