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  1. M

    should I start flushing?!(pix to tell)

    Ok my first grow, bc godbud(8-9 week) in middle of week 6. should I start giving them straight water? the trichromes look to be turning milky now, how long does it take to start turning amber? also I know there is much debate about cutting fan leaves, but all the under growth looks under...
  2. M

    Quick Question, please help!

    Ok, so im in the middle of flowering week 5 and these leaves on my plant have been yellow and difficient looking for a week now. (caused from slightly to small of RW block) nug is a little slower developing than the rest of the plants but they are near the top as you can see.. think I should...
  3. M

    Week 5 update pix (firstgrow)

    So what do think? they say 8-9 week flowering, these pix are starting mid 5. Think they need 3 more weeks?
  4. M

    Update on my grow! PIX! and question

    I dont really know Im supposed to use 2 cfm for about 15 min out of every hour to keep levels up in my 4x4x8 space, but I got It down to .7 cfm all time to keep a more constant level, as to ppm... no Idea
  5. M

    Update on my grow! PIX! and question

    Ok here they are starting into week 4. There are bud sites everywhere but they dont look to have much mass yet, can I expect massave swelling in they next 4-5 weeks or what? 1000 hps flowering. also do I need to worry about adding the Co2 anymore, or should I shut it off? here is the top 5...
  6. M

    Advance Nutrients who uses them or has used them???

    Also to add to this, they also have a high concentration, so it might take 2-3 of those 25$ bottles to equal one of the AN bottles. My first grow was with dutch master... Full line up... cutting leaves off left and right, deficiencies galore! the next grow I used AN and see NO need to ever...
  7. M

    question about a FUCKED up light schedual

    Ok here is the situation, Been runnin my plants on 12/12 for 2 weeks now, and today something shitty happend at the power station in this po-dung, fucking stupid ass, retarded town... hgem sorry. but they got about 1 hour on 1 hour off all fucking day, I tried to leave the door open, and the...
  8. M

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    Man I loved Sublime, rowley the whole crew :( WHY?! WHY?!? SMOKE REFEER! HAROIN KILLS
  9. M

    Going hydro..need quick advice on what nutes?

    Iv seen unbelievable results from advanced nutrients, by far the best in my opinion never see any deficiencies and you will be cutting off a lot less dying leaves.
  10. M

    My First try, an awesome experience.

    Hey thanks! when im getting closer im sure ill be on here getting day to day help, I really want to do every thing just right you know... right down to the perfect cure. The most exciting thing for me is to finally after all my drooling over pics and working on my set up, and all the love...
  11. M

    My First try, an awesome experience.

    yeah, Im hoping they get done within 6 weeks, they are off to a good start. I guess
  12. M

    My First try, an awesome experience.

    I have to say this has been one of the most exciting Hobby-Investment I have ever done, first I started with 20 seeds of BC godbud, knowing my lack of knowledge would probably kill a few also the elimination of male plants. It was a good thing too. now im 2 weeks into flowering w/6 strong...