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  1. Vizer

    Your fav. munchies food....

    Ketchup chips Mmmmm......
  2. Vizer

    How much u think! Please help

    They say pro's get 1 gram per watt, so in you're case 600 grams =O! hope that helped would say more but I'm too baked. lol
  3. Vizer

    seeds from 1971, still good?

    I've heard of people keeping them for years and they still work. It's defendant worth a try.They will talk longer to germinate then fresh seeds in my experience. GL
  4. Vizer

    Male Or Female?!

    Still to young to tell you got to wait look for white hairs thats a good sign their female . If you see and little balls instead that means there males or herme.
  5. Vizer

    Help! running out of room! lol

    k I think I'll try tipping the pots and hope they stop growing lol. Thanks for the info on bending i hope it doesn't come that. Also, how tall do plants grow to ? I've got about 8 more weeks on flowering cycle will the growing slow down as the plant starts too flower?
  6. Vizer

    Help! running out of room! lol

    Hello all =) I'm new to these forms but I've learned so much already! But I have a question on topping plants. My plants are about 35 " tall and are threw there first budding week (12/12). But now my plant is growing past my light and i can't raise it anymore. What should I do? Cut the top off...
  7. Vizer

    Damn Mites

    Get some lady bugs they eat spider mites =) But ladybugs will be everywhere lol
  8. Vizer

    Checking for M or FM plants

    Hey thanks for the replys sorry for the late response been busy :joint::hump: lol. Great site i've learnt alot so far and its helped me on my first grow :mrgreen:! For my grow i use a 400 watt HPS light with 2 fans. I water them 2 times a day and gave them some seedling miracle grow. But...
  9. Vizer

    Checking for M or FM plants

    Is it possible to put plants under the grow cycle just to check there sex then bring them back into the veg cycle? Or will this stress the plants and kill them :-|. I only have one light so i can't make clones and check them. This is my first grow so i'm a noob lol