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  1. remi11

    What I'm smoking right now.

    Thanks man. Ya i miss having a vaporizer but i like smoking too. Especially when its a good tasting bud. I don't know just like it lol. I found an awesome deal on a 8 pack Waterfarm with the reservoir for only 149$ so I'm picking that up plus ordering a roll of mylar and just converting the...
  2. remi11

    WaterFarm Club

    nevermind found one local for 149$, 8 pack water farm complete with reservoir.... guess i know where my check is going.
  3. remi11

    WaterFarm Club

    WOW jim that looks awesome... I saw a 8 farm WF system with the reservoir, the water farm stacked one, and that kinda deterred me just because the design. But shoot for 200$ instead of the normal 400$ i might have to lol. I don't know id have to see in person but i like the simplicity of yours...
  4. remi11

    Disposable Vaporizer Pen

    i hate texas....not really :D lol but ya sounds great
  5. remi11

    1st Time smoking, Is this normal or was there something sprayed on the weed? :S

    when your stoned and the more you think about it or whatever you think might happen usually does the first time you get REALLY BAKED... like say you think "oh my mouth is dry", then it starts getting drier and you notice it more. then you think your gonna swallow your tongue cause its so dry...
  6. remi11

    What I'm smoking right now.

    GRACIAS!!!! heres some pics and my kitties. a couple aren't in these pics that I'm sure ill get by later. Also hadn't smoked a blunt in almost a year so i figure whyyyy not. I know ill probably regret it tomorrow but right now i feel like one :D lilly (girl) 4 months old beatiful...
  7. remi11

    What I'm smoking right now.

    *jumping in my DeLorean and headed over* but now I'm token on this forgot and sat on the sack.... kinda compressed and looking weird..... hence the closeup pics lol love your avatar btw Ring
  8. remi11

    What I'm smoking right now.

    also how to i change the time of my post... that last one was made at 4:20pm not 2:13 lol
  9. remi11

    What I'm smoking right now.

    man i can wait to get to growing again. Been reading the Dr Amber's grows and now my a D D is kicked up when i saw a link to DAYZT's grow and now I'm reading that. AND ALLLL these grows are like back in 11' i plan to keep reading and then continuing with their most recent grows to get as much...
  10. remi11

    Anyone know any news on Texas's mmj legalization?

    i hope your wrong too :/... BUT oddly theres a guy selling to prop 215 patients out of a nearby town.. Weird.....
  11. remi11

    WaterFarm Club

    ya if something were to catch fire it coulda been bad. But it worked. And that was just a one time "hey lets see how cheap i can grow and harvest a plant" and like i stated for <200$ TOTAL i can not complain the least bit. AND with alllll the problems of not having the right pump, power outages...
  12. remi11

    Goo's Cartoons

    loving the very first set with the Mushroom King and the trippy one about 9/11 (my bday) with Bush as a monkey, osama, and the towers. GOOD STUFF... You should try pitching some of your work to be sold at Planet K (a franchised headshop) down here in the south. That shits awesome or seeing how...
  13. remi11


    whaaaaat this is awesome!!!!! PREDATOR COSTUME HERE I COME!!!!!
  14. remi11

    my various drawings of recent.

    a small bit of my stuff from the time here at the new apartment.few drawings, few stencils, and a few mix, plus drawings that look like stencils and stencils that looks like drawings lol enjoi. :joint::mrgreen:
  15. remi11

    What I'm smoking right now. video. wouldn't let me edit it back into the original post
  16. remi11

    What I'm smoking right now.

    Well as another member has on here I figure instead of making MULTIPLE AND MULTIPLE threads every time i get a new strain why not one Thread so this i will update with the various strains i am SMOKING. So here is what I'm smoking right now. Its a purp of some sort and super SUPER frosty!!! Not...
  17. remi11

    Various strains, MY journal :D

    why did this get moved. Its not my GROW journal. Just a "journal" of what I'm SMOKING, various days throughout the week, thought i put it in the right section ?????
  18. remi11

    WaterFarm Club

    thanks a lot guys!!! Ya it wasn't intention just happened to have a huge walk in closet in out new apartment and i always wanted to try my hand at growing. I worked at subway and we alway threw away the boxes so figure put em to good use. Along with foil from the dollar store and the light...
  19. remi11

    1000w hps white widow waterfarm scrog COMPLETE grow seed to CHOP

    thanks man, it really did. She was one tough plant. I didn't get the beefed up pump till a month in, Had a 4 day black out in the middle of flowering, a leak in the same closet causing it to become SUPER HUMID!!! and allll that and ONLY USING the nutrients that came with the kit and it turned...
  20. remi11

    Various strains, MY journal :D