I read this article and thought wow!! Science has it figured out again!! (this must be my default approach to things like this around now...lol)
But seriously we already knew this a 11 year old stoner could propably figure this out. Its probs written by some old stoner who likes his buzz...
No probs mate love the idea of having a TV, could shut anyone up claiming the thing is working if anyone hears fan noise :) I can`t say I`m a pro, done a few rounds myself and got my thing going, but one thing I know is that you shouldn`t make massive changes in their enviroment. Keep the light...
Animals are here to serve us no matter what anybody things. Thats how the whole human race treats them. They are a pet if we want, and they are food if we want. It doesn`t matter what they want. We use leashes and cages when we have to.
He was batshit insane on the street all alone... He found...
If paranoia is a problem there are strains which make you less paranoid, grow those. If it still makes you paranoid, then smoke some once in a blue moon and add a couple beers with it :)
Toast 2 pieces of seeded batch wholemeal bread, melt mature cheddar on one piece and butter on the other. Stick slices of cherry tomato all over the cheddar and stick 3 pieces of back bacon on top. Add on a slightly runny egg and grind some black peppercorns on it. Some leafy rocket salad on top...
It gets even better when the husband is totally cool with it. One of the students says he sees no crime in this. The others are probably too scared to speak. What is this like the rest of the world is buzzkilling an orgy between 6 people? :D
Why the hell does she go to prison. Why do people who haven`t hurt anybody go and get mixed with people who have? She was horny for some sex, not crime. I mean her jobs already down the gutter, why not put her in prison too... That will fix things for the better...
Fuck this world man... lol
I can`t belive why anyone would want to play runescape I gave up pretty quickly... I would much rather play something like World of Tanks :)
NPC`s = shite
Graphics = total shit
PvP experience= are you kidding?
It gets even lamer when you put a mouseclick macro to farm lobsters or whatever...
I agree they are trained into it they would also feel guilty if they didnt...
Also think that anybody walking down the sea shore in nice free-feeling swimming gear, feeling the wind and sun on their body would look at this thing and see through the BULLSHIT.
Crazy Muslims... lol