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  1. L

    My Profit Venture Unrolled

    I posted this here because it felt therapeutic to finally tell someone my story. No “boo hoo”anything. It just is what it is. I did save money, and did make some fine investments. Life is going well for my wife and me. I feel I’m very lucky because life could have been very different. I...
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    My Profit Venture Unrolled

    Dude, that’s just great. I’m glad you’ve got it all figured out. Now go jack yourself off in your own thread and quit pissing all over mine.
  3. L

    My Profit Venture Unrolled

    Free advice: Don’t look, talk or act like a “homie”. This will automatically cast suspicion upon you. Most people who causally know me (co-workers, neighbors, etc) think I’m a Mormon because of the way I look, dress, act, speak. If you present yourself as a straight up...
  4. L

    if yo want to invest here it is

    Alberta is going nuclear while sitting on hundreds of gallons of oil? I think the US should attack!
  5. L


  6. L

    My Profit Venture Unrolled

    Thank you for the positive replies. Stankyleg: I appreciate the kind words and friendly advice. NoDrama: If I had it to do over? My first thought was: Nothing. I made it out with lots of cash and no prison. That’s the whole point right? On second thought, I would not have used hard drugs. It...
  7. L

    My Profit Venture Unrolled

    Hello everyone! This business can be very lonely if you want to be successful. Clearly the only way to be safe is to tell as few people as possible. But after 15 years, I am now done. Like most, I started small. Personal use was my only interest. Then I stated sharing some of my N.L.#5 with...