My first grow is 2 weeks away from harvest, much more than I will be able to use in a reasonable period of time. I am wondering what is the shelf life of marijuana? What is the best way to store it? Will it use its potency over time? Thanks so much for your advice.
I have an outdoor grow about 2 weeks (I'm told) from harvest. However, my plants no longer get direct sunlight. Due to the position of the sun, the light has changed on them and they are in the shade more and now get indirect light. Will this affect my plants from maturing so I can harvest...
This is my first grow and my plants are flowering. However, I don't know how close I am to harvesting? Please review my pictures...maybe you can help me. What do you think? Thanks!
I will vote YES even if the proposition has flaws. It is a step in the right direction. Once its passed, we can continue to work towards refining it. I think the important thing is to get the general populus used to marijuana bein LEGAL for recreational purposes. As they become more and more...
I will vote YES even if the proposition has flaws. It is a step in the right direction. Once its passed, we can continue to work towards refining it. I think the important thing is to get the general populus used to marijuana bein LEGAL for recreational purposes. As they become more and more...
Thanks to everyone that replied. Geesh! Now we got some overnight rain. This is the first time my plants every got wet. Will this rain hurt my plants? More advise please...thanks so much:-)
I am into my first grow. My plants are flowering and I see buds that has what appears to me lights hairs. My question is, "How do I know when to harvest?"
What are the signs I need to see that is it time to harvest my plants. THEN...once I harvest, "What Do I Do?"
Excuse my...
Thanks for your replies. I transplanted my plants into 5 gallon buckets. I then watered with 1 gallon of distilled water. Is 1 gallon of water sufficient? i did not see water coming from the drain holes.
I was also afraid to fertilize because I did not waht to cause any damage? When is a good...
I am into my first grow. I have a plant that started flowering recently. Buds are beginning to appear. BUT because I did not know what I was doing, the plant is in a small pot and I think it is root-bound. The plant is about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall and not large like those I have seen on...
I have 4 nice plants growing and beginning to flower! Yeah! BUT, I watered one plant yesterday evening and I checked it this morning and some of the leaves have brown pigment. I think I may have watered too much. You think this is the problem?
How can I get my plant to recover from...
Thanks so much Wagontail.
You said "At this point in the season you probably should not transplant. But with a slightly undersized pot in SoCal, just make sure it doesn't dry out."
So you think my plants will be alright and continue to grow ok in the current pots? Will putting them into...
I am new at growing pot. I had some seeds so I decided to plant some. I started them off as seedling in a small pot then I transplanted them into latger pots. I have 4 plants from 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall (SEE PICS). This has been an experiment for me...trial and error. I really don't know what I am...
I am new at growing pot. I had some seeds so I decided to plant some. I started them off as seedling in a small pot then I transplanted them into latger pots. I have 4 plants from 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall (SEE PICS). This has been an experiment for me...trial and error. I really don't know what I am...