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  1. T

    Can a "No to Prop 19" person answer a question for me?

    How can a law that makes it legal to use marijuana, when it was previously completely illegal put more restrictions? Did I miss something? Maybe you're just so selfish that you don't want to risk your rights at the benefit of everyone else's, compounded by being to ignorant to realize that...
  2. T

    how to be a "normal person"

    Apparently driving slow in the left lane is normal. Even though in my state there's a sign every five miles advising people that it's against state law to be in the left lane not passing people.
  3. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey why am I being ignored? I tried to provide the pictures you requested, I also have some close ups of the trichs. This is my first grow, but I suspect these will be ready in about a week and could really use a second opinion. Can SOMEONE please help me out? If the problem is with my...
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Posted that a few days ago, but I have some better (or maybe just closer?) pictures now. Just flushed the plants (to help alleviate salt build-up), so I'm wondering if I should keep flushing and harvest, or maybe feed them a few more times and flush again? These are from the AKs: I might...
  5. T

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    These are two AK-47s who are three days into the 7th week of flowering. I apologize for the lack of quality in the pix; only have a cell phone to use. They've had some bug issues that stressed them quite a bit, and the colas around the middles of the plants seem to be more mature than the main...
  6. T

    Pyrethrum Bug Bomb OK to use? - 4 Weeks Flowering

    I'm currently growing five long-flowering (55-60 days) ladies who are a little more than four weeks into flowering currently. What I thought was a fungus gnat problem is more than likely a root aphid infestation, as weeks of Go-Gnats has barely made a dent. I also have an on-again off-again...
  7. T

    Help???? Advanced Nutrients

    I started using Rhino skin during my first week of flowering. About two weeks in, one of my pots got knocked off a stack of books, causing the stem to get bet at a nearly 90 degree angle against the wall, right before their bedtime. I secured it with string and a piece of pvc taped to the pot...