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  1. LuvdaVapor

    The "OFFICIAL" cast your VOTE on PROP 19 thread

    I think we could all grow what we need in 25 sq ft as long as we arent selling.. which you would have to get a license for even if you were making whiskey or beer/wine. Here are a few tidbits from the BATF website: Distillation of Alcohol and Stills Under Federal rules administered by...
  2. LuvdaVapor

    The "OFFICIAL" cast your VOTE on PROP 19 thread

    First time poster hello all, I agree with what Katatawnic is saying, and it's more than just a law to legalize marijuana it's about changing an unfortunate fact about our legal system and this is a good first step I believe. If you take it away from the street dealers, we win, if we tax it...