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  1. E

    Measure 80....going down in flames and smoke..puff puff NOT PASS!

    What the hell are you talking about? I volunteer for Measure 80 every week. You are talking completely out of your ass. Either post some proof of what you're saying (of which I am sure there is none) or admit you're a lying. It's really sad this thread is one of the top posts on google because...
  2. E

    Diagnose My Plant. Looks to be Nute Burn, Thought it was Nitrogen Lacking

    109 views and no responses. Thanks for nothing RUI, off to greener pastures. From the looks of things, I couldn't get help here anyway. My sick plants look better than your healthy ones.
  3. E

    Seedling Problems

    what kind of soil are you using? Have you added any fertilizers or anything like that? Where's your water coming from? Any advise you can give along those lines would help in a diagnosis.
  4. E

    Diagnose My Plant. Looks to be Nute Burn, Thought it was Nitrogen Lacking

    4 weeks into flower. I started noticing yellowing leaves so I upped the nitrogen intake with some compost tea. They didn't seam to like the tea and starting curling and turning brown. I just flushed heavily. Grown Indoor Watering Schedule: 1 gallon every 2-3 days with 2 teaspoons BioThrive...
  5. E

    Is this a male plant?

    yeah, as it turns out, my ladies just started showing today. This was my first grow and even after all my reading around, I still thought I would have to go 12/12 to show sex. Now I know better.... 4/6 ladies from 6/8 germinated bagseed. I'm very happy.
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    Is this a male plant?

    well, sucks, but at least i know and caught it in time. Thanks for that. Is it normal for plants to show sex while still in 18/6?
  7. E

    Is this a male plant?

    Hi everyone, So I am about 18 days into vegging some bag seed when today, I noticed that one of my larger plants had formed what look to me like male seed bags. What do you think? Sorry for the horrible picture. I've spent two hours trying to get a good shot and...
  8. E

    Accidenty left newly planted seeds in the dark for 16 Hours

    i've read plenty of guides that suggest starting seeds in their final containers as transplanting can disturb the plant. Wasting water isn't a huge concern and I have a PH meter, so I can make adjustments easily.
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    Accidenty left newly planted seeds in the dark for 16 Hours

    ok, cool. I have them planted in 5 gallon pots now. I'll just keep em on 18/6 and hope for the best. Thanks for relieving my stress folks.
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    Accidenty left newly planted seeds in the dark for 16 Hours

    really? Wow, I've never heard this. I don't mean to doubt you at all, but can anyone else confirm this? Should I not be putting my plants under light until they sprout?
  11. E

    Accidenty left newly planted seeds in the dark for 16 Hours

    Hi everyone, I planted seeds two days ago. For the first day, they were on a normal 18/6 light schedule. The second day, my timer malfunctioned(or I did) and the seeds stayed in the dark for 16 hours. Did I ruin them?