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  1. yoely

    is it possible to combine indoor & outdoor

    We have a nice sun most of the time, but I can't let the pot plant be out all the time. hence I want to set up indoor set up for a small plant. My question basicaly is I possible to move the plant from sun over day , into bulb light over night for the vegin period. moreover to combine its 12h...
  2. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    I'm growing her outdoor, there is 13h now from sunrise until the first star is out , I think its 1 week into flowering although the day time hasn't decline to 12h yet , but because the tempature fell down its steel warm but not as hell as was . between 22 at night min to 36 at day max.I heard...
  3. yoely

    I think she's gona die pleas help.

    wow thanks I was wayting for reply all day long. I hop that you are right and it will recover , I hope that I didn't caus more damage by flashing her. what do you mean by good drainage holes? the holes at the bottom of the plant , or should I drill holes in the soil?
  4. yoely

    I think she's gona die pleas help.

    I flashed , but she doesnt seem to be recover
  5. yoely

    I think she's gona die pleas help.

    why no one replies ? what how can the solution of over fertilized can be solved by flashing the plant if over wotering is a problem of its own ?
  6. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    I think she is going to die - here is a link to a new thead with photos I have post . I enyone is here pleas take alook. a link :
  7. yoely

    I think she's gona die pleas help.

    Hi to all , I have this trade few days ago if History of my loving plant is interesting you. It has a problem as you'l see from the pics maybee overwater or somthing to do with fertilizer , I'mm too nervouse and not able to...
  8. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    thanks pakelika ,yes it's my first and only plant around. I'm not sure what is going on at all , I don't see any bananas nor balls or seeds , I think i'll have to wait few more days , just to let it go ... and see what is hapening .I'm not expecting much it was a nice expirience enyway. If a...
  9. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    Ok here is what is going on right now , I have moved the balls out and it seems not to be showing again yet. The thing is that the top of some pistiles bcame brown, like many describes as a good time to harvest when it's happen,and the top of the plant look like a formation of a litle bud (very...
  10. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    Hey , thanks , but don't freak me up now . I am enought paranoid with all the googling I have been doing on canabis growing the last few days , till I have found this great forum. Is any one knows about a good way of living under the google radar? . I hope that I didn't destroy my chances of...
  11. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    Thanks a-lot , I know its just a hermien , but you lift me up with hope again. Just to know that I can now recorgnize the sex in a preflower (I just learn this terms these days). this man dadio161 has a naughty way of teling me that it is a straight male.
  12. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    are you sure? becaus it has double pistles all over.??
  13. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    Thanks for your reply , I was going mad , becaus it has a lot of double pistls here and there , mostly on top , but in the lower ones it has balls that I hoped to be somthing else. as I mentiond this is my only plant , do you think I should keep it , and try to have somthing of it , by moving...
  14. yoely

    Is this a hermine ? pleas help

    Hi people , I have this plant at my backyard that I have planted from seed of a bag I had 1 month ago , its my first plant and only one , I would like to get help on it , I believe its a hermie but i'm not 100% sure. It grows outdoor and this is the end of summer in my erea with 13-13.5/11 of sun.