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  1. Weedscaper

    Outdoor 6 ft too late for topping ?

    Plants just showing signs of flowering. Getting too tall for neighbors and too much growth inside plants. Is it better to top plant or thin inside small offshoots on branches or a combination of both??? Outdoor growers please reply. Thanks
  2. Weedscaper

    Outdoor clones flowering- Pick flowers or leave them be???

    California weather has not been cooperating. Just now starting to get warm. Clones have been flowering for more than 3 weeks. Couple of plants do seem to be reverting but others are still budding. Have been told to trim off all flowers and also told to just leave plants alone. What to do...
  3. Weedscaper

    Ripeness? Help please

    Plant is showing mostly milky trichs with few amber, but I still have loads of white hairs and plant just does not look done. Plants are indicas so I don't want too much amber. Is it time to cut???
  4. Weedscaper

    Ready or not... How long to go?

    Both about week 9 Royal Flush (Sativa Hybrid)showing cloudy and new trichs and Papaya (Indica) a few amber Thanks for the help
  5. Weedscaper

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Jock Horror, Papaya and Royal Flush all around week 8
  6. Weedscaper

    Out the back door...

    Currently growing Snow White, Master Kush, Jock Horror, Papaya, Royal Flush and El Dorado.
  7. Weedscaper

    Yes, I have a few of that one. But this particular guy is called an "orange mint moth" He is...

    Yes, I have a few of that one. But this particular guy is called an "orange mint moth" He is about half the size of skipper. What is strange, and I'm sure you can appreciate with gardening, this is my third year here and this moth only showed up this year. They are out during the day and...
  8. Weedscaper

    Reverting, reveg, hermie, normal???

    This is El Dorado from Nirvana which they describe as "buds are thin and airy, which means yields are not of particular commercial interest" Week 8 now, flowers were looking nice and then around two weeks ago really started growing strange. Lots of stem and leaf, few new flowers. Very...
  9. Weedscaper

    How close to harvest do you BT? Smart to use the butterflies as sign. This year I have got...

    How close to harvest do you BT? Smart to use the butterflies as sign. This year I have got this new little orange moth. It is out during the day and I find it in plants all the time. Very small , like size of dime, and they are super quick and hard to catch. As always, thanks for your time
  10. Weedscaper

    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Wow VG Thanks for the eye opener. You have really got me thinking and I appreciate that. This is all so crazy. I just love to garden and enjoy MJ and the experience of growing it. It IS just a plant. I hate to think MJ will turn into a Budweiser/William Morris type industry, but it sure...
  11. Weedscaper

    VG Thanks for info and great pics. I noticed you use BT. How often do you spray and how far...

    VG Thanks for info and great pics. I noticed you use BT. How often do you spray and how far into flowering do you think it is okay to use? I have been using about once a week for the last month. Seeing very little damage now, do believe it has definitely knocked them back. Weird I have only...
  12. Weedscaper

    I'm at 13/11. I have 3 El Dorado. Two flowering and the other super tall with nothing much...

    I'm at 13/11. I have 3 El Dorado. Two flowering and the other super tall with nothing much going on. Nirvana seeds. Have you grown El D before?
  13. Weedscaper

    El Dorado anyone?

    Any experience with this strain? Smelly and sticky but getting super leafy Week 5 have been fed Earth Juice flowering cocktail twice Is this normal?
  14. Weedscaper

    Black Stem Mold?

    Don't think this is the same. This mold bands completely around branch or stem. Plus weather here in CA has been unseasonable cool. Thanks for the reply. I have not found much info on what this could be or how to prevent/treat. Hopefully, I won't need this year...
  15. Weedscaper

    Over fertilization, nitrogen or nutrient deficiency???

    How do I correct pH outdoors and this late in the season?
  16. Weedscaper

    Over fertilization, nitrogen or nutrient deficiency???

    Thanks to all Foliar fed this morning with kelp. Will post in few days with progress
  17. Weedscaper

    Over fertilization, nitrogen or nutrient deficiency???

    Thank LAX any recommendations on how to correct. I was going to leave drip on for a long period tomorrow to flush. Any suggestions appreciated.
  18. Weedscaper

    Over fertilization, nitrogen or nutrient deficiency???

    Earth Juice cocktail (Bloom, Catalyst and Microblast) 10 days ago Week 3 or 4 of flowering Plants seems vigorous, but general yellowing Thoughts...?
  19. Weedscaper

    Black Stem Mold?

    Had this problem last year and just found again. The mold starts grey and dusty looking and darkens to black. Mold starts in a crotch or above internode and completly incircles branch or stem. The mold starts low on the plant, eventually moving up and into bud stems, obviously destroying bud...