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  1. Walter1496

    How am I looking so far- noobies first try

    I'll bet money thats Afgani dreams/Indica looks like some of mine.
  2. Walter1496

    Wilting a little but looking ok?

    I think she'll be ok I am using only hydroton rocks and water in a 2 liter bottle with an air stone I turn on the air pump once a day with a 175 watt CFL the ph is crazy but I got it down to 5.9 so far so good right?
  3. Walter1496

    did I prune too much? pics in thread

    I would recommend only cutting the lowest branches near the soil or grow medium as to provide good airflow underneath and also critters are more likely to hide in the bottom area by the medium.
  4. Walter1496

    My favorite first try

    I love how it can start being bushy right away..
  5. Walter1496

    My favorite first try

    Afgani haze... so so nice...
  6. Walter1496

    My favorite first try

    My favorite plant in the world. Thanks.