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  1. R

    1st Grow (Lookin Good)

    thanks for the info, I did think about takin it w/me, but i'm traveling 1700 miles..... wish I could find a baby sitter, but i'd need a nanny-cam that's for sure.
  2. R

    1st Grow (Lookin Good)

    I hope, but i have to pack up and move sat!!!! how do i help it along??? I can give it til mon to dry..... Sucks.... I wish i had longer............ would putting it in total darkness til then help???
  3. R

    1st Grow (Lookin Good)

    those are some nice Grapes. I guess a controlled enviorment is key.
  4. R

    1st Grow (Lookin Good)

    nice pics, although Outdoors still looks Best :)
  5. R

    1st Grow (Lookin Good)

    SoCal, and no you can't have my address hahaha..... sometimes into the 100's... i'm totally shocked on my results. i've lurked in this lobby for months feeling guilty stealing info without givin feedback from the TOP info around. Thank You ALL. :)
  6. R

    1st Grow (Lookin Good)

    just 1 plant. Bag seed....
  7. R

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    my first grow. outdoors,socal,mg,water,and love. turned "hermie" on me, plucked all of the banna looking seeds I saw every day, and here "IT" is about an hour 1/2 ago.
  8. R

    1st Grow (Lookin Good)

    so this is my virgin grow. I've used mg and water. I know mg isn't the best idea but it's what I had :mrgreen: I have to move in 5 days,what would help finish this baby off by then?? Tri's are 90% milky,some amber. Would keeping in total darkness help for the last day or two? Thanks...
  9. R

    1st Grow (Lookin Good)
