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  1. dencon

    We have a black collar around trunk from soil level to about 3 inches up the trunk. Any branch...

    We have a black collar around trunk from soil level to about 3 inches up the trunk. Any branch that was in the black collar area died. Fan leaves are dying from the tips in.
  2. dencon

    Love reading your posts. I have a problem with root rot in a couple of my outdoor plants. I am...

    Love reading your posts. I have a problem with root rot in a couple of my outdoor plants. I am using a fungicide I purchased at the grow store ,but it does not seem to be having much of an effect. What would you recommend?
  3. dencon

    root rot problem

    Diagnosed root rot in some of my outdoor plants. I've been using a fungicide to try and combat problem. Does not seem to be working very well. Any other things I should be trying??