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  1. C

    250w tent grow- g force

    wat was the result of ur first two plants wit just light? because wit my first gorwn i think i might do the samething....put 2 cfl lights in my closet.....
  2. C

    mrgrowpro or pc grow case???

    which one do you think is a good idea???or neither??? has anyone bought 1?
  3. C

    buying a pc case a good idea???

    hi, im new to this forum. i've been doing a lot of research on indoor growing. i just want to grow some for fun and personal use. is the pc case a good idea for a first time grower? any feeback will be great thanks.
  4. C

    Welcome New Members!

    hi im new here n i was wondering if there is any post on how to build guide??? maybe a pc case or a rubbermaid? sometime small, its going to be my first time so im just trying to start with 1 or 2 plants. any info will help on how i should start off. thanks