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  1. greenpride

    Simply... Thank You, thats it.

    Don't think this is said enough, but... like the title states, thank you for all the info shared, all the positive information given, the praise to all for jobs well done, and the good attitudes towards to your fellow rollituppers...Were all in this together, be proud and God bless us all...
  2. greenpride

    Rightly so...

    probably a repost but still a classic scene in my book..bongsmilie
  3. greenpride

    Growing with your girl?

    Trust no one and tell no one man doesn't matter how good the fuck sandwiches are..
  4. greenpride

    ??????? Honey Oil help ????????

    perhaps your talking about tincture instead of oil?
  5. greenpride

    Got My Bong Stuck...? See pictures

    i use a few sprays of Pam then of course wash it after
  6. greenpride

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    haha! knew i wasn't the only one. lol and i didn't think anything about this when i did it, but you know you're a stoner when during "sexy time" you catch yourself looking at the wireless thermometer sitting on the coffee table to make sure the temp and the humidity is on point in your grow tent...
  7. greenpride

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    you know you're a stoner when you've been playing gta IV for the past 4 months, but have yet to complete the game because all you do is drive around. just happened: you know you're a stoner when you do a load of laundry and forget to add detergent lol that's not even the worst part; you spring...