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  1. mammasun209

    my pot got soaked last night

    i have it in a dry place but its okay if its cool in there rite?
  2. mammasun209

    my pot got soaked last night

    okay this is my 2nd year growing wow have i been through hell this year.. so last night we got a heavy rain .. i coved my plant up but the wind blew the cover away and woke up to my plant wet as could be so, i just went ahead and pulled it it had a few weeks left but we are expecting alot more...
  3. mammasun209

    WAITING SUCKS!!! last few weeks post your girls :)

    Here's mine i cant wait either i have like 2 weeks left i think ..
  4. mammasun209

    How much longer till harvest?

    To late i put some neem on before your post i really was second guessing this .. but i tried really hard to not get buds.. also tried to make sure it didnt drip .. man im just so stressed.. but, since i did how long should i wat to harvest now? would it be okay if i went ahead and harvest next...
  5. mammasun209

    Should i harvest early?

    ok thanx i have used neem abt 3 weeks ago ... but i wasent sure if i could still use it i dont want the bud to taste like the neem because as you know smells awful..and sure wouldnt want the bud to take like it.. im so streesed first dealing with the thrips, now spider mites and it's gotten out...
  6. mammasun209

    How much longer till harvest?

    I'm infested with spider mites .. I dont know if i should go ahead and pull it now please help some hairs are red but there is alot still white.. so if i dont pull how much longer you think intill and what can i put on plant to kill spidar mites please help this is only my 2nd plant still leanring..
  7. mammasun209

    Should i harvest early?

    Hello, everyone who reds this post. Okay so im infested with spider mites got webs all in my buds im so stressed out becuz i was dealing with thrips and got rid of them now this .. I was planning on harvesting around 10/8 but not idk if i should pull due to the overwhelming amount of spider...
  8. mammasun209

    FREE pipe #3

    pick me :)
  9. mammasun209

    Question to Fat People!

    No the beer is that good!!!! Alos why don't you ask someone that cares o what you got noone that cares abt you and you have to go on a marijuana sorce site to ask this question .. Why dont you try yahoo questions and answers dummy!!!
  10. mammasun209

    2ND year growing need some answers please..

    Thanks everyone ...@robsterb so if i put the patato peeling down the trips will be on the patato peeling instead of my plant? Ans when putting them down do i just put them under the plant? sorry if i sound dumb.. and yes it's only two plants did alot of topping & supercroping and yes the one abt...
  11. mammasun209

    2ND year growing need some answers please..

    :shock: Okay this is my 2nd year growing i only have two plants due to neighboors anyways last year i had problems with spidermites now this year im having problems with thrips i tried neem oil and that dont seem to be working so stressed out i killed like 10 yesterday and 3 today .. what can i...
  12. mammasun209

    I caught someone in my garden.

    I say put a tent up and camp out and have that bat waiting for there ass..Thats what my hubbys doing..good luck but then again whos to say they wont come back in the day time its your call ..
  13. mammasun209

    Help! I have thrips

    so do i ughh damm things can't get rid of
  14. mammasun209

    Super purple buds, past and current grow pics

    pretty bud you got there
  15. mammasun209

    Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!

    @doobiedoowah so what are you doing abt the hole on your leafs?
  16. mammasun209

    Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!

    @shecker will the grasshoppers eat my plant up? wow so much i need to learn is there anything i can buy that will kill all the bugs that will hurt my plant?
  17. mammasun209

    Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!

    @duggie style well thanks alot for your input on my situation..There is a tree of my neighboors kinda going over my fence i tried to cut most of it down without it falling into my plant because this tree has some sort if sap getting on my leafs and ,that tree does have some webs in i...
  18. mammasun209

    Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!

    @duggie style ..well i went outside again today and yes i did look under the leafs and their was little bugs under some of the leafs they looked small kinda like nats i dont own a magnifing glass, and im kinda freaking out here because like i said it is my first plant ..i been reading up so...
  19. mammasun209

    Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!

    Thanx alot Mr. Ganja!!!
  20. mammasun209

    Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!

    well how do i get rid of the bugs without kills the plant?