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  1. S

    Water Cure - Taste and smell retainment

    Interesting idea though ...vanilla extract or something, mmm!
  2. S

    Couldn't Pay For Elite membership

    Still nothing? Has the elite membership really been down since this thread was started? dammmn gena
  3. S

    second grow still not sure if im gon 'grow nd roll'!?

    Perhaps using the spell check button before posting may encourage people to read the entire post? Most people don't have the patience to try and decipher their way through that urban slang ...myself included. :-?
  4. S

    Should I go HPS?

    Yeah^^^^ A 2ft x 4-6 bulb T5 system would work quite well in that setup (low profile, and would fit almost perfectly). But you may experience heat issues if you go that route.
  5. S

    4ft florecent tubes for grow?

    Yeah, you may be better off getting plain old bulbs rather than the plant/aquarium bulbs. They're cheaper and usually have a higher lumen output! GL
  6. S

    Can anybody answer this question?

    ...the other ONE sorry! (The one that is 2wks behind)
  7. S

    Can anybody answer this question?

    Bingo ^^^ Just a slight shock from the transplant into a new medium. Transplanting doesn't usually stress a plant too much when staying with the same soil. But, if you are introducing it to a new medium it usually stunts a little (from my experience anyways). Also, as sparkjumper pointed...