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  1. Y

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    im going to try it with my grow, ill keep you posted on how to goes
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    First timer.

    The head shop grow box, nice choice, don't forget to post some pics up for us when your up and running!! :D
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    New Grower - Hello & Help!

    I've heard that you can use those aero-gardens, you know, the ones in your kitchens... anyways but from what i saw on it, it has to be the deluxe version or it wont work. apparently they work stunningly to, anyway, research that. and if you like it, no thanks neccesary :) :weed:
  4. Y

    help on A/C unit.

    Where do you live, over here in australia you could usually find them at k-mart or big w, thats like the equivalent of Americas wal-mart i think.
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    My First Hydro grow setup!!

    Hey this is my first hydro setup, i will be adding in a fan. The light is a 100w Daylight lamp. Heres the link to the video: :weed::weed::weed::weed: