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  1. fetterville

    Are my plants ready

    ready yet?
  2. fetterville

    IL Growers

    rain, rain.... .... .... come back in a couple weeks
  3. fetterville

    IL Growers

    here I was doing rain dances the last week because I didn't want to hike water out to my site ---- didn't know that shit worked so good --- tooo f'in good. I have to go out tonight and make sure they didn't get flooded out. What a turn of events.
  4. fetterville

    IL Growers

    Knock, Knock ... anyone home--- board's been quiet... How about some updates out there.... As for me, 10 of the 14 I set out have survived the flooding earlier in the month-- starting to recover nicely this week as the weather has gotten better.
  5. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    it's gotten awfully quiet in here.... anyone got an outdoor going? weather has vastly improved the last couple weeks. 10 of the 14 I set out survived the flood and looking strong. 6-8" of growth and looking a healthy green instead of the sickly yellow/lime they'd been from the flooding &...
  6. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    Speaking of... mine were flooded out Sunday, under at least a foot of water. It now looks like some of them will make it. A few are done for sure, but I think I'll still get a crop. Went out last night and sprayed them down with a light soap solution then pure water to try get the mud off of the...
  7. fetterville

    IL Growers

    we'll see Bynk - they just might. I went out last night to check and see if anything had a chance. Several were washed away, but 9 out of the 13 are in place, standing up right and may just pull through. I'll go back out in a few days and see what I have.
  8. fetterville

    IL Growers

    :cry:RIP little ones. 2.5" of rain in 3 hours today after about 2-3" in the last week. Don't think they'll make it as they are now at least a foot under water.
  9. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    I suppose so, but I'm pretty bummed. I had almost 2 months of indoor time before I moved them out, 2 days of perfect weather, then rain rain rain. I plan to see if there's anything left tomorrow and bring what I can back inside for a couple weeks to nurse them back to health. It just sucks that...
  10. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    #$#^%%$^&%*^(&)*)(*(*_())(&^(%$%#%$%@ ... forget about it, I highly doubt they'll recover from being 1-2' UNDER water. 3" rain in 3-4 hours and the ponds couldn't get rid of it through the culverts fast enough --- I'm guessing I'm done before the season really got started. #@^$@&$*%)&(*&^$%@!
  11. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    that's exactly what I did Marlowe, mixed in coco(3-4parts), homemade compost(2parts) store bought topsoil(2 parts) and humus(3parts) and sand(2parts) -- the drainage would be fine except I fucked up on location. It sets in a grassy patch between two retention ponds. I was hoping to not have to...
  12. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    Anyone outdoors and having issues with the rain? I was out to check mine (they were put out a week and a half ago) and the ground is saturated and a couple of them have some yellowing of the leaves. Does anyone have any strategies for preventing root rot outdoor in the ground? - other than my...
  13. fetterville

    IL Growers

    The kids are finally gonna go outside tonight. I was going to do it last week, but the forecast had a low of 34 for overnight Sunday --- it got down to 33... Looks good for the next 10 days, highs in the 70's, lows mid 50's Anyone have thoughts on animal deterrents ? I'm gonna be using Hot...
  14. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    HELLO WISCONSIN ( or Michigan ?, or Indiana ? )
  15. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    They're ready to go outside... now if the outside would just get ready for them.
  16. fetterville

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    :lol:aint nothing a roll of duct tape and some wire hangers can't fix
  17. fetterville

    IL Growers

    I'm assuming you're planting in the ground and not containers, yes/no? I've had the same issue before and have found that it tends to be soil prep... do you dig up the ground a foot or two to loosen it up?, add any amendments?... etc. No matter how good the surrounding vegetation is & apparent...
  18. fetterville

    IL Growers

    yeah, my plan was first week of May as long as the 10 day forecast looks good. I'm not only worried about temps, but want to have some foliage out and about so the critters don't all B-line for 'em. These are from seed, but I've grown Sat-dom strains outdoors here in the past and had a couple...
  19. fetterville

    IL Growers

    yeah, especially with the way our spring has been up and down so far with no steady trend... forecast says lows near freezing again this weekend. At least I should have a chance to put the crew out on the deck tomorrow for a few hours again.
  20. fetterville

    IL Growers

    anybody doing anything yet? or is this thread dead?