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  1. J

    300w Cfl Whitecastle Single Plant Grow

    Looking good so far :).
  2. J

    Very nice grow :).

    Very nice grow :).
  3. J


    Today i heard on the radio that they had black hawks (some type of army helicoptor) flying around that has some type of specal equipment that sees marijuana plants and theyve pulled out of the ground like over 2k plants in Indiana.
  4. J

    planted 4 seeds 2 days ago

    sunlight its in like direct sunlight oh and guess what! I came to where i planted them yesterday and theres like a fucking snake hole threw the middle .
  5. J

    planted 4 seeds 2 days ago

    how long till little plant comes up
  6. J

    Well what do you think?

    I ment like say in a month it gets cold so i transport them into a perm indoor setup.
  7. J

    Well what do you think?

    Ok what if i brought them inside when its about to get cold
  8. J

    Well what do you think?

    Lol well guys im ready to get yelled at. Today i planted. I live on the eastcoast and its really hot during the day latley and cold in the morning to 9:00am. So i found a place where they would get decent sun during the day and put 4 seeds in the dirty a lil bit apart watered it put a lil poting...
  9. J

    What is the census on this "incense" craze?

    I heard from my friend is was pretty good but just didnt last long but was pretty good idk i mite try it.
  10. J

    Plants are yellowing and leaves falling off...NEED HELP PLEASE!!!

    They look fine mabe needs a lil more water?
  11. J

    Outdoor grow is flowering! crop progression!!!!!

    Very nice good luck when you harvest :P
  12. J

    can i grow just adding water

    geez bandit nice pics :O
  13. J


    Lol guys today i figured out that they were growing right next to some type of sap tree could this of made it stunt?
  14. J

    White Berry Day 47 - Ready?

    Lol i love how everyone kept commenting i agree 2 weeks i agree 2weeks .
  15. J

    Has Anyone Here Try K2?

    I myself would like to try it but no gastations around me are selling it.
  16. J

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    Very nice alot of variety to :O
  17. J

    Prices around you

    well man this shit im getting is pretty decent but to know for sure we would have to test them both :P
  18. J

    Is it true or a lie?

    thanks StonedBlownSkiller that was a help
  19. J

    Is it true or a lie?

    well guys definetly wont be getting high off nutmeg made a nutmeg icecream blend horrible
  20. J

    Is it true or a lie?

    do u guys have any idea of how much nutmeg i ll need some type of measurement