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  1. dashgudbud

    Growers-ark schedule

    Hope this helps anyone using Growers-Ark nutes, they're cheap and are really, really good :weed:
  2. dashgudbud

    can they trace your computer if you post pictures here?! paranoid!!

    hehe, just be sure to always use cheapish digital cameras.. quite a few decent ones now have a sat location thingy in them which means once you've taken and uploaded the pic.. in the image 'Properties' the exact location where the picture was taken will be displayed. Now that would be a bitch!
  3. dashgudbud

    Are My Girls Ready For Flowering?! I'm New

    Sweet. Thanx. Should i give a em a trim also?
  4. dashgudbud

    Are My Girls Ready For Flowering?! I'm New

    Hi all im new to 'Rollitup' Ive started my very first indoor grow and as i hope you can see, im getting on quite well so far, basically they're not dead or discoloured. There are 2 girls, one is 26cm tall and the other is 36cm tall I was just wondering if its maybe time for the flowering...