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  1. Ms. Burns

    white russian

    I see. Now is that because of the light coverage possibilities that topping increases your yield or does having multiple colas in itself increase yield? I have read arguments both ways that multiple, smaller colas instead of one big cola and not slowing the plants' growth by hacking at it...
  2. Ms. Burns

    white russian

    BTW Mark I'm in the 11th week of flowering now and haven't even flushed one of the White Russians yet.. 2 others are good 2 go now though- they were more indica dominant than the monster I have. My favorite strain to grow aside from the Blue Widow, but it gives way more yield.
  3. Ms. Burns

    white russian

    Mad cow disease lol. Yeah I was wondering if you knew it was DWC. We manage to keep very little shadow in the grow area, but the irony is the fact that parts of the plants that get little light (i.e. lower buds, buds not near a light) look finished(50-70% red hairs, mostly cloudy with a few...
  4. Ms. Burns

    white russian

    Yes I am quite new to hydroponics, did not realize how huge they were going to get before it was too late.. but anyhow there are 4 plants in the 6-plant unit, held in hydroton pots and rockwool cube that they were sprouted in. I should be more clear.. with the added height of the 10 gallon...
  5. Ms. Burns

    First Bubbleponics DWC 5 gallon hydro. Need 3 questions answered

    Jet, I would like to know why I always hear cool roots are better, can you explain why? I have a Bubbleponics kit and am nearing the end of my first run with it. I haven't made any effort to cool the root systems, the temp is 79F-83F during the night (light on), and 75F-81F during the day...
  6. Ms. Burns

    blue widow from dinafem????

    I have a Dinafem Blue Widow (freebie too) in bubbleponics set with 400W HPS, and 3 CFLs, along with 3 Serious White Russians and 2 Paradise Delahaze, all 6 feminized. They have outgrown their space and at day 68, only the Blue Widow is ready. Flushing tomorrow. BUT the BW is our ultimate...
  7. Ms. Burns

    white russian

    I have 3 W.R. from Serious Seeds, in a Bubbleponics setup (1 pre-fabbed unit, 1 homemade) with a Blue Widow and two Delahaze, 6 feminized plants total. 400W HPS, two 1.5' fluorescent tubes and one CFL, totaling about 52,000 lumens. It's all crammed into a meter-squared closet with adequate...
  8. Ms. Burns

    Serious Seeds White Russian

    um... i got W.R. fem seeds from Serious seeds. They are actually doing better than the Blue Widow and Delahaze I am growing in homemade bubbleponics setup. In fact, the White Russians are so vigorous and sturdy they took over the closet! I should put a Russian flag in there bc they have claimed...