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  1. Fried panda

    Round 2: Extrema & El Monstre DWC Cooler Scrog

    Aight man thanks that helps alot
  2. Fried panda

    Round 2: Extrema & El Monstre DWC Cooler Scrog

    So you start your seeds in dirt then move them to the DWC setup with the hydroton rocks. Just wondering can you start the seeds in the DWC right away?
  3. Fried panda

    DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011

    Crazy pics Blu hopefully my plants turnout like that lol.
  4. Fried panda

    Need help with first grow

    Ive been studying various hydro methods and Ive decided to start with an NFT system but i am having problems getting started and im not sure of everything i need and my closet is 39in w x 59in could someone pls?