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  1. F

    AN's Micro, Grow & Sensi Bloom a&b, will this combination work?
  2. F

    Help me ID my deficiency...
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    AN's Micro, Grow & Sensi Bloom a&b, will this combination work?

    will be using this in a journal im about to create, will update with link asap.
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    Help me ID my deficiency...

    Moving this over to the journal section will update with link.
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    AN's Micro, Grow & Sensi Bloom a&b, will this combination work?

    Thanks a lot for the replies guys! So far, i have only used micro, and very little of it, I vegged for 48 days, and switched the cycle to 12/12 last night... So should i be good now to continue using the micro? and add only part B from the sensibloom? or both A&B? I'll also add the grow if you...
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    Help me ID my deficiency...

    Now at day 46 of veg, Looking a lot better after the re-pot and fed the last two waterings, just over half the recommended dosage, a teaspoon of micro per two litres of water, ph is at 7. Also, changed the lighting to 4 x 26watt 6500k cfl's totalling 6400 lumens, and arranged around the plant...
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    AN's Micro, Grow & Sensi Bloom a&b, will this combination work?

    On the label of the micro it reads that it must be used in conjunction with both the grow and bloom, but does it really? or is it just a way of them getting you to buy all three? No takers on this one?
  8. F

    AN's Micro, Grow & Sensi Bloom a&b, will this combination work?

    So, title pretty much says it all, i dont really want to fork out for the bloom as i have the a&b already, but will this combination work? any feedback greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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    Help me ID my deficiency...

    My temps are never over 85 though and I have a fan blowing on it almost constantly, i turn it off to try and raise humidity which i cant get above 20 which is way too low i know, just hard to change in a dry climate without a humidifier (im going to get one asap) it's on a 24hr light cycle too...
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    Help me ID my deficiency...

    I ended up getting her in some promix and worm castings, looks like its healthier already! I'll upload some pics at a later date. With the nutes I mentioned above, I have a question, will the sensi a&b work in combination with the micro and grow? I thought it would at first but the labels on the...
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    Help me ID my deficiency...

    Thanks for the reply! thats just what i had feared, they arent allowed to sell foxfarm here in canada, so instead i ordered some SUNSHINE mix, worm castings and advanced nutrients grow and micro, i have some sensi bloom a&b and perlite from last grow too, the ups standard will take up to 10...
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    Help me ID my deficiency...

    Hi, im a fairly inexperienced grower, infact, this is only my second indoor attempt. Im bringing it back to the basics with a one plant grow, unknown seed i got from a friend, using CFL's for now, and possibly the entire grow, a mixed spectrum totalling 94 watts, but i have more to add when need...
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    A.M.S, BIG BANG & WARLOCK ( 4th week flowering)

    Alright people, I'm currently in my fourth week of flowering, under a 400w hps, (and two t8's for side lighting) but lately ive had a lot of yellowing, and dropping of fan leaves, the big bang is looking particularly bad. Excuse a newb but this is my first grow, so not too sure what to expect...
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    Newb in need

    Greetings fellow weed heads. I need some advice! Heres my equipment list so far: (soil grow) 4ft x (just short of) 2ft & 5.5ft tall box, all lined in reflective emergency blankets. 3 t8's and a 250watt HPS also a regular desktop fan.. At the moment i have 1xBig Bang 1xA.M.S & 1xWarlock, all have...
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    1st Post, 1st Grow.

    thanks a lot, and just incase, would i be better off spraying even the clones with bug killer? and will any old pesticide do, or does it have to be a certain kind?
  16. F

    1st Post, 1st Grow.

    Howdy folks, for my grow, im gonna be using a 3X3ft 6ft high box, with one 400w HPS. However, i have a few growing already outdoors, but they arent ready for flowering yet and it'll be too cold soon out there, so i was wondering if a could either a: bring them indoors, and continue cultivation...