Can you even read. Yes i realize its a michigan forum im a mi patient. Maybe you dont have friends in other states but some people do. If your not gonna help please refrain from commenting
im a cancer patient on vacation that got extended unexpectedly just need something to get through a few days please pm me if you know someone who can help near ft lauterdale willing to travel some if necessary
spray everything except flowering plants with 50-70% rubbing alcohol then ventilate the space until it all evaporates. you can even dunk clones in 50% to make sure theyre clean this is a good practice to use for cuttings you get from other gardens
the ppm3 has a hysterisis of 50 ppm once it reaches 1250ppm it kicks off but after that the ppms rise to about 2300ppm
think the hydrogen is on the low setting ill check that next time. and the piggyback is plugged into the co2 plug on the evc-1 and is controlling a water solenoid on the house...
5x5 tent air cooled 600 sentinal evc-1 connected to cap ppm3 set at 1200ppm running the HydroGen watercooled co2 gendrain to waste. everything works well except the ppm3 takes too long to recognize the co2 incease and after it reaches the shutoff the ppms stabilize around 2300. the co2 gen is in...
my problem with this is my patients have debilitating headaches that are not cured by any normal medications they have been prescribed but they puff a joint and can continue on with their day of work, just like they would take a pill and continue on. however there isnt an outcry for medication...
i keep hearing people say there was an amendment to the Mi law that states meds must be kept in the trunk/glovebox of your vehicle ive heard this from co-op workers as well but cannot find this in the laws or any amendments at all.
ok now i see you plug the pump into a timed power supply, and use the HydroGens power supply in the piggyback. i didnt realize there was a power supply for the HydroGen i bought the unit used and it didnt come with it .
can i run a sump pump in off the ppm3 piggyback plug to power my Hydrogen Co2 gen. or do i need to setup some kind of relay to the piggyback and have the relay control the power draw i read in the instructions the ppm3 can only handle 1/2 amp the pump i need to run is almost 10 amps.
the radio shack one is just as bad go get one like this its alot easier to focus but you have to pick your magnification i have the 40x its great for trich viewing
found this page on the way to save money page of my electricity company wondered if anyone else has changed to this billing rate and noticed a big savings because at those rates savings add up fast with 1000watters
If you use the majority of your electricity in the evening, early...
if its mold its ok its just breaking down the organic material in a month the soil will dry anyway dont leave it uncovered it will slow down the process
add all your ingredients get a soil PH tester let the mix sit covered in a warm area for 30 days. then check that the ph is stabilized by checking the soil over the last week to see if the reading is the same when it is stable and in the range you want its ready to go
i have a secret jardin 5x5 wish i had more room. for the price they arent bad just dont slide things inside of them the floor tears easily. dont worry about mylar or white theres nowhere for the light to escape white is plenty reflective