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  1. N

    Collecting Genetics

    I had been vegging under lights until early spring and placing a few outside to get some spring bud. The lengthening phtoperiod does mess with the plants though, if left too long the leaf off the bud tops and tend to be airier buds, but they are fresh spring bud. I hope to use the autoflower...
  2. N

    Collecting Genetics

    Thanks, I should have the november special in a day or two. I have two halloween packs from sweet seeds on the way, looking forward to the autoflowers in early spring. I see they just changed from royal queen freebies to Kannabia strains.
  3. N

    Collecting Genetics

    I've got a modest collection started also. Want to breed some pure sativas and recently decided that the one purple kush that has a coffee scent is the one i want to work with a clear goal: increasing the coffee scent! I see an Ace seed I need to cross with it and a Sweet Seeds strain sounds...
  4. N

    Max Sea Seaweed 3-20-20

    I have a some plants flowering now - week 8 - on maxsea. Actually I was going with foxfarm grow big and then big bloom until week five. Then I seperated some plants (small late cuttings) into three groups and they are getting: Group 1-indonesian bat guano (organic); Group 2-Beastie Bloomz...
  5. N

    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    So it comes down to being a roullette because of the loosely written language, which opens it up to re-regulation and taxation by every tom, dick and harry with a council seat..... Did you file your mj-4 this year?
  6. N

    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    I can't even lay down in 25 square feet, much less grow a year's worth of mmj.
  7. N

    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    from section 11301, last item apparently opens up local regulations to regulating ANY and ALL aspects if they play the "public health and welfare" card. In other words, using said language a county or city could outlaw most aspects of the legalization. Am i reading this langauge wrong????
  8. N

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    138 pages down, only 730 to go! Is there a cliff notes version? I'm curious what advances and changes have been made since december 2008!? I'm thinking this system is the way i want to go. With a single 1000 phs for flowering, I'm just left with trying to decide the footprint of the units...
  9. N

    does molases really work..

    mmm waffles... Makes me wonder if I add a half a Double Double per gallon of water, will my weed smell like an "In n Out Burger?"
  10. N

    Kush x Sativa? My medical grow 2010

    Geez, nobody says "hello, your plants look nice." Or, "Who the f*&k are you? btw, your plants SUCK! Is it the "Stranger" thing? I doubt I'm that much stranger...
  11. N

    Kush x Sativa? My medical grow 2010

    Hello all, Found my camera finally so I took some pics today. This is about day 10-14 of budding and these are the first pics. Grew the same strain last two years, from seed propagation and plant regeneration over the winter. Three of my plants gave a spring harvest and were subsequently...
  12. N

    My Beautys, what do you think?

    Very nice! I figured out how to subscribe lol. I'm curious, do you have to use gopher baskets?
  13. N

    another cali summer...2010

    Looking good! Do you ever have problems with ground squirrels? They're killer here in the cen cal foothills.