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  1. KevvDog


    And two figures came upon him. Stunned and excited, he stared at them as they stared back. Not wanting to break the trance for fear of what might happen next, he glared on, peering into the depths of their souls....... Only to find that this is what the figures lacked. Suddenly realizing this...
  2. KevvDog


    thanks for sharing that, very awesome and very inspiring!
  3. KevvDog

    Cops can now track you via GPS with no warrent!!!! GTFIH NOW!!

    Yeah probly, wouldn't stop me though. This is just fucked up, a government cant just start tracking people. Whats next, bar codes on our fore heads and micro chips in our ears?
  4. KevvDog

    How to make cocaine

    Originally Posted by blueberrykush1995 Do you think a teen would fucking have a grow set up and a bong?? I can take planty more pics of the othe bongs and bubblers i have as well as pipes! well according to you...
  5. KevvDog

    I guess Salvia is Illegal......

    I went to buy some salvia for the first time and realized that it is illegal in my state (ohio) All the sites I find wont ship to ohio. Is there any site that will ship to ohio, despite it being illegal? If anyone knows, it would be awesome cause I really want to try this stuff.:cry:
  6. KevvDog

    mrgrowpro or pc grow case???

    I made my own pc grow case, not that big, but cost me about 40$ Wouldnt really go hydro in this small of a situation, but 1 or 2 smaller plants with low stress training. Build your own....... Start from here and do some lookin at all the ideas on the...
  7. KevvDog

    I'm so confused...

    ditto what litljohn said. you will always have some issue on your first grow, and even though I dont know jack shit about hydro, I do know that soil will be a lot more forgiving. Some people say that hps lights are the way to go, but cfl (curly eco bulbs) will work fine and are...
  8. KevvDog

    Febreze true air purifier for PC case

  9. KevvDog

    Febreze true air purifier for PC case

    As my plants are maturing, I am starting to notice a nice plant-like smell in my room. I tried to make a few carbon scrubbers, but they all failed since I needed them to be discrete and reasonably quiet. So recently I came across this wall-plugin air filter by fabreze that is pretty much a mini...
  10. KevvDog

    ever had a plant that wont flower????

    maybe it was bad genetics, or maybe it got a disease. and maybe even switching from inside to outside back inside messed up its veg/flower cycle.
  11. KevvDog

    How much light will cause a hermie?

    ok, so most of the light is now coming in through the fans because the little filters arnt very thick. What can I put over the fans to make them light proof?
  12. KevvDog

    How much light will cause a hermie?

    I spent alot of time and alot of aluminum foil light proofing it so that it wasnt as bad as before and light is still leaking from somewhere. But when I say equivalent to moonlight, that is slightly over-exaggerating. Its kinda like the light from a tv that is in another room with the door...
  13. KevvDog

    How much light will cause a hermie?

    I am currently growing out of a pc case, and I am wondering, how much light will cause a hermie. I ask this because the case is not 100% light proof. When the lights are on inside the case, you can defiantly tell the case is glowing. So I checked to see how much light leaks inside the closed...
  14. KevvDog

    Color of pots, does it matter??

    just use a black trash bag as a liner inside the bucket. as long as there are holes in the bottom for drainage, that should work out pretty good.
  15. KevvDog

    my first grow bubblelicious

    those are looking pretty nice!
  16. KevvDog

    How We Are Supposed to Live As Man On The Earth?

    I honestly feel the same way. If that would make you happy to live a natural life, I say go for it. And unlike a lot of other people, I will not judge you for that. I just think that it would be more like running from the problem, even though fixing it would be nearly impossible. Where are you...
  17. KevvDog

    Does The Atheist Believe In LOVE? (If So) What Is The Nature Of This LOVE?

    There are a lot of things in Science that we have no good evidence about, just some damn good guesses by some damn smart people. Yet we believe them without any doubt. Its called faith man, having faith that God is helping you through every aspect of your life. If you dont have faith, when you...
  18. KevvDog

    Does The Atheist Believe In LOVE? (If So) What Is The Nature Of This LOVE?

    Some parts are meant to be taken literally and some are not, just like you said;especially the old testament. God does not want us to cut off our hand if it causes us to sin. But to compare God to Santa is impossible. Santa is created to put more fun into Christmas for kids. God exists in our...
  19. KevvDog

    nice avatar!

    nice avatar!