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  1. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    First four are the same and is beeing eaten by bugs, wondering how much longer she has before she gets chopped...last 4 are same plant no bugs just want to know how much longer..thanks
  2. M

    male or female?

    Wow! Great pics, its looking more female. thanks
  3. M

    male or female?

    Ok cool i will take and post new pics in a few...thanks for the comments
  4. M

    My first grow, tell me how she looks.

    yeah i watched the video and im going to check in a few mins. i am using miracle grow and i havnt used any nutes yet...the soil said it feeds the plant for 6 months so i dint want to over feed. should i use nutes?yeah i will let her stay outside so i dont take steps backwards.i water once a day
  5. M

    My first grow, tell me how she looks.

    so should i just keep doing what i am doing until harvest or should i change up the lightn schedule...someone told me if i brought it in for 12 hours of darkness she will harvest sooner....u see signs of mites or are u just sayn?
  6. M

    My first grow, tell me how she looks.

    any advice or comments welcome...
  7. M

    My first grow, tell me how she looks.

    i have been working with this plant for about 2months, i got the plant from a friend. i made a box for it and couldnt get the temp right, so the buds that were on the plant dried up. didnt want to give up on her so i put her outside and she came right back as you can see in the pics attached. i...
  8. M

    male or female?

    My two Plants, im hopeing these arnt pollen sacks...what do you guys think?