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  1. T

    when, if ever will you stop? (toking)

    Never gonna stop permanently. I quit for about 2 years and just started again recently. All the fun none of the puking what more could you want?
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    Anyone else tired of hiding ur marijuana use?

    I guess I'm a little luckier, living in Canada the cops don't care as much so it's easier to smoke in public (though I still don't). It sucks having to sneak around and deal with drug dealers, we wouldn't be "criminals" if it wasn't illegal. Most of my family is tolerant, just my mom who freaks...
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    Day Off.... Wake'n'Bake!!!

    Got a half ounce of some amazing sativa outdoor. Gonna see what this stuff can do bongsmilie woot!
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    Salvia (first time, need info)

    Extract is really powerful. I just got some x20 stuff and I found out after one little pinch is good for a hit, I packed a huge bowl . I held it in for maybe 30 seconds. It was the most fucked up intense experience i have ever had. It was not pleasant and the most appropriate adjectives to...
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    Lowryder #2 My First Grow

    This is my first ever grow with Lowryder #2's. I did some research bought some books and settled on this as my strain of choice. It will stay short and squat as well as finish fast and according to the books and everyone I've talked to it is a pretty good smoke too. I've germinated the seeds in...
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    Soil Question

    I live in Canada so I'm stuck with either huge chains like home depot or tiny local places. The tiny local place near me doesn't have an organic mix, I'd have to buy everything and make it from scratch.
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    Soil Question

    I looked all over where I live and my only option would be to make my own, and that requires too much effort for me, and since I have no idea what I'm doing (this will be my first grow) I'd rather go with a sure thing.
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    Soil Question

    This is probably a stupid question as it is answered on the bag but, my girlfriend picked up the wrong kind of soil. It is for annuals and perennials and has slow release fertilizer in it, it says not to use it in pots. I'm starting some Lowryder #2's this weekend and plan to pot them and leave...
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    Tempurature question.

    I kinda figured that, I mean it is a weed. It'll grow anywhere, but because these are auto flowering at about 3 weeks I want to make sure the roots develop well, so they can take up all the energy they need when they start to flower and give me as much bud as possible (some people on a few other...
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    Tempurature question.

    Actually we don't get too much rain, just cold mornings and sweltering afternoons in May especially. So if it's not too wet mold shouldn't be a big problem but I'll keep a look out anyway. From what I gather lowryder #2 is pretty resilient, but I still want to get the best yield I can from it...
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    Tempurature question.

    Thanks for the info and suggestions.
  12. T

    Tempurature question.

    I live in Northern Ontario, where it remains quite cold in the mornings ( below 30F at night and early morning and between 50-90F in April and May in the afternoon). Will the plants survive the cold nights? I plan to grow some Lowryder #2 outside but am unsure when to plant them to ensure the...
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    Suggestions for ventilation

    Ok so this is to be my future growing space and I will be using a 400W HPS light. The closet is in the basement and so is relatively cold and dry. :mrgreen: Temperature It stays about 18-20 degrees Celsius pretty constantly and may even get a little bit colder. I'm hoping that with a 400W...
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    Just a thought

    I just bought Ed Rosenthal's Big Book of Buds 3, :joint:took a few hits with my girlfriend and perused the book and it occurred to me "Wouldn't this book be awesome if it was scratch and sniff?".:mrgreen:
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    Grow Room Size

    OK so I measured the closet and its volume is 64 cubic feet. Seeing as this is my first time, if i want a fan that moves 192ft^3 per minute how big is it? Will it be noisy? Should I shoot for a more modest 128 or even 64ft cubed per minute, all I really want to do is replenish the CO2 and keep...
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    Grow Room Size

    Hello, I've recently entertained the idea of growing my own stash because I'm tired of purchasing pot, and figure the initial investment will be worth the effort if I get a good quality bud and maybe even yield enough to sell some and recoup the investment in the first place. I have a few...