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  1. darksideofwa

    Outdoor Mothers - Experiences?

    Thanks for the reply! I was holding a couple clones in the veg room to be future mothers, but sounds like I shouldn't have a problem with just the large mother outside. What a great way to open up my small veg room. I can't believe I haven't heard more about this...
  2. darksideofwa

    Outdoor Mothers - Experiences?

    I have been searching the forums for the past few days, looking for a real discussion on cloning from outdoor mothers... I put my banzai mother (~6 months old, 1.5' tall) outside about a month ago and am wondering if I will have any troubles cloning her. Any tips/tricks to working with an...
  3. darksideofwa

    Best temp for vaporizer??????

    No one has mentioned this yet, but I like to set my vaporizer temp just below where the taste changes from pure thc to a popcorn taste. This changes a bit from bud age, type, and moisture for me (or maybe this is just preference). I wouldn't obsess about the perfect temp for everyone else, be...
  4. darksideofwa

    2 Plants, 1 Pot

    I know a few guys that grow two plants per pot without problems. You will need to repot them when they get bigger, but they will not kill each other. The plants will focus growth on the parts of the plants that get the most light, the stems that meet in the middle will simply not grow much...
  5. darksideofwa

    what can i mix with my soil to make the ph up a little.

    Ph UP/Down from General Hydro is cheap and accurate.
  6. darksideofwa

    2nd grow, 7 weeks in: Is this turing Hermie or just new Female flowers? (pics)

    Yeah, I don't have a lot of practice with sex determination. I was given a mother and all have came from clone. Thanks much for your advice!
  7. darksideofwa

    2nd grow, 7 weeks in: Is this turing Hermie or just new Female flowers? (pics)

    Some quick pics of my girls, these two are at 7 weeks. I have one at 5 weeks, and one at 3 weeks in the same room.. Everything has been going well, very well. This is my first grow in my new attic space (1st ever grow was in the closet). I have some great colas on my big girl, but I...