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  1. aziceman63

    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    Hey Shack...nice thread...I just came across this and will be reading your others as well. Interesting progression. Thanks for your efforts, I think it will definitely help me. All the Best!
  2. aziceman63

    Oldskool outdoor grower moving inside...

    Thanks for the welcome...Im in the research phase right now...trying to figure the best ratios with the sq ft that I have. The best lights, filtration, medium etc...all pretty foreign to me. As for once that is all worked out...I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Being outdoors I have grown fond...
  3. aziceman63

    Oldskool outdoor grower moving inside...

    Hello Everyone, Accomplished grower from the 80s n 90s getting ready to germinate again but indoors this time. Have already taken a look at the grow posts and want to send out a THANKS for all the info I've already seen! I'm sure to have my own questions as I rekindle my passion. So looking...